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>> Prayer bullet:
As this year runs to a close, O LORD, give me a testimony that will surprise my friends and shock my enemies in the name of Jesus

From: elisha

December is the month for "LAST MILE" prayers.

Take a look at this prayer:

Ā  "Powers battling the God of Elijah in my life, die in the order of the prophets of Baal in the name of Jesus."

Take your mind back to the incident that gave birth to this prayer.

(1 Kings 17-18)

There was a severe famine.

For 3 years.

Brought on as a result of the wickedness in the land.

When the time came for it to end (and for the rainfall to come)...

The long-awaited rain of blessings did not fall until all the prophets of Baal were dispatched to the great beyond.

All through this year 2023, believers have been praying for the blessings of the LORD.

But little do they know that ...

... there are wicked, invisible powers lurking around unseen...

... on assignment to divert the blessings, steal, hinder, and otherwise block good things from coming into the hands of God's people.

That should make you mad.

Good news is:

We have been given a divine license to...

... launch a last-minute shock offensive loaded with "LAST MILE" prayer missiles against them.

In the Forum for advanced Prayer Eagles just opened...

The Platinum 2023 Edition prayer riot is about to kick off.

It is a 5-week prayer sequence to help you bounce back --

-- instantly (and higher than ever)...

... even when you've been knocked down all year.

There are:

- Prayers of escape - from debt, poverty, stagnancy, rejection, failure.

- Prosperity injection prayers (plus wealth transfer for the brave ones who are interested)

- Prayers to arrest demonic storms - in the dream, marriages, finances, jobs, etc.

But above all...

... these are prayers to prep our Eagles for the task of giving a helping hand (spiritually) to those in need.


What does this have to do with you?

You have to make up your mind that NONE of your blessings for this year will remain in the hands of the enemy.


Take a look at our opening prayer again:

Ā Ā Ā  "Powers battling the God of Elijah in me, die in the order of the prophets of Baal in the name of Jesus."

This is part of a special class of prayers entitled:

"The God of Elijah Prayers"

In the past, the LORD used such prayers to reverse a 13-year barrenness.

Look at it here:

"13-year barrenness terminated"

"I am Lukonde from Zambia. I want to thank God for answering my prayer after 13 years of trying to conceive for a second child and the doctor told me that I canā€™t conceive because the fibroids.

When we were storming the gates of 2022 I prayed that by this time next year I will be holding a baby in my arms no matter and The God of Elijah answered my prayers.

After crying for a long time. Here I am holding my baby girl in arms.Ā  My daughter is one year two months now . Praise God" - Lukonde


Praise the LORD.

Looking back through the past year, our Eagles recorded so many powerful testimonies that we lost count...

... as we engaged in one prayer riot after another.

These were often posted to Testigram, our testimony sharing page here >>

To give you some idea of what went down, here's just a few:

"Career progression and favor"

"I joined the forum two years ago and when I got married my money started running out because my husband was struggling with his career and businesses.

I was the one who was paying everything and o thought why my marriage was so difficult and why am I struggling since I got married.Everything he tried just failed until last month when Elisha sent an email that we can write three prayer items that we need prayers for and I did.

After that Iā€™ve been praying October and November furious prayers and my husband is now employed in one of the leading global financial investment companies. Praise God."šŸ™ - - N. Haya

"A day after 4 weeks of aggressive prayers and I got my testimony"

"Today is the day of celebration, I've been battling to get my husband's estate finalized for two and a half years and this morning 7am I received an email from the bank that ...

...the estate is finalized and the house is to be changed into my name and the car which my step son took, he was requested to bring it back to me failing which legal action will be taken against him.

All the money in the bank to be deposited into my bank account within two weeks. Glory to God, thank you Coach for training me to be a warrior. I'm so excited that I'm in tears as I write this mail. A day after 4 weeks of aggressive prayers and I got my testimony. It is so nice to be in the house of God." - Cecil01

ā€œI had given up on marriageā€

I think it would be wicked of me not to testify, because I have been praying for other things and I have been telling God that you are not answering my prayers.

And God just reminded me that he blessed me with a good husband and I did not testify nor encourage other prayer eagles šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

I had gone through disappointments in my relationships that didnā€™t make sense to me. I felt rejected most of the time and left in shock.

I would pray and pray but I would still find myself rejected, not until I decided to go on a 21 day prayer and fasting using your prayer bullets, I was so mad in the spirit and I said enough is enough.

The prayer bullet that was my favorite was:

"Every dark river of marital distress flowing to me from my mother and fathers house dry up now in the name of Jesus"

I prayed that prayer for 21 days every midnight. It didn't take a month a Doctor appeared in my life and we got married and have a child.

These prayer bullets are fire šŸ”„šŸ”„. I had given up on getting married, but God had saved the best for last. God richly bless U.

- Eagle SEB

"My sister and I got married 2 months apart"

"I have always been feeling that i need to share this with the saints of God. In the year 2020 just when the pandemic was coming to an end, i was in a place of hopelessness, nothing good was happening at all.

My 5 year year relationship had ended, i had no job and my business had low sales. My sister had almost a similar story to tell - no relationship, no job, small business that was barely giving her enough to survive on.

We joined the prayer academy, followed by the singles forum beginning of 2021. In 2022 God heard our prayers, and gave us partners. My sister got married in June and wedded in December, I got married in August and wedded in the same month. Glory to God, I had personally lost hope on marriage."

"Salvation of my neighbor"

Luke 15:1-7 (KJV).
7. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

Praise God family šŸ™. Join me to give God all the Glory for what He did during our just ended program (Forum X).

My neighbor who is an old man of 81 years, surrendered his life to the Lord. He was sick and God had healed him miraculously. I had visited him sometime back and shared the love of God and we prayed and left.

But today he came to my house and said the prayers we prayed and the teachings I shared gave him peace and wants to surrender his life to Christ.

I led him to repentance and he shared how God saved him from the jaws of death. He said doctors could not believe that he would live again!

I thank God for the teachings of Firesprings Ministry and Coaching because that is what brought all the difference. - Winnie C.


"Foreclosure Reversed,
Ā  God paid the mortgage"

"Right after the just concluded GJE 2023 program, I learnt that the Holy Spirit's house was in the process of being foreclosed on 9.5.2023.

I decided I was not going to panic but go to prayer and let Holy Spirit know that his house was about to be foreclosed on, since I am just a custodian of this home. I do not own anything on this earth but God who sits in heaven owns everything in my possession.

After prayer, I had PEACE beyond my own understanding irrespective, of the 3 Notices from the Lawyers I had received in the mail. I decided to report the issue to the God of coach elisha in the Forum of the GJE, some Eagles held me in prayers even though I was not requesting prayers (God bless these Eagles abundantly).

On 8.2.2023 God paid his mortgage to the tune of $16K, the house was behind $13K in payments. Glory be to God. What the enemy meant for evil God turned it around for good." - Daphne M


All these testimonies are sealed with the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus.

I can go on and on ... but you get the idea.

We operate with a simple motto:

If there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer.

When I say pray, I don't mean what passes for prayer these days.

To us, prayer is hard work.

Done in a deliberate, persistent, and relentless manner.

That's why our daily messages sometimes end with:

Ā Ā  I will not be bought off.
Ā Ā  I will not sell out.
Ā Ā  I will not quit in the name of Jesus.

For us, prayer is serious, rewarding business.

And we have the results to show for it.

Praise the LORD.

Our God works in mysterious ways.

Romans 11:33:

O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

Come with us and...

... let's go out in a blaze of glory.

One more thing...

Please make up your mind to join us in the New Year...

... as we move from one prayer riot to another.

There are thousands on this site who never miss a single program (congratulations to you all).

The LORD rewards consistency.

Here's our lineup for the New Year.

  • 14-day prayers to storm the gates of 2024 (open to all)
  • 21-day prayers for self-deliverance (Forum Z)
  • Singles / Marriage Forum
  • Prayer Academy (one-of-its-kind prayer marathon)
  • Sapphire Edition (after completing the PA)
  • Near Future Revelation (NFR) Emerald
  • Forum X for Financial Deliverance
  • Diamond Edition (fast-paced REPEAT of PA)
  • Golden Journey Express
  • Platinum Edition (Last Mile Prayers).


Any other prayer riots as the Holy Spirit leads.

This month's 7 Furious Prayers (the final one for this year) are culled from the ongoing Platinum Prep Prayers.

May I suggest that you do NOT joke with these prayers?

Believe it or not...

So many will receive their breakthroughs with this handful of prayer bullets... even before the main event.

Last time we did this, Paul wrote:

"While preparing to pray Platinum prep prayers, God answered. I received my letter of appointment... I have received a new job from the Lord which I have been praying for while in prayer academy all through to Golden Journey Express and 24hr Forum.

"This has been a great miracle since even my manager at the current job had warned me of risking my job and that I didn't even meet the work experience expected."

If you are ready...

Let's go to the prayers.

Before then, a timely reminder

Please Remember...


For these prayers to work as intended,Ā you must surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

You must be genuinely born again.

Nothing else will do.

The prayers you are about to see willĀ onlyĀ work for children of God.

There is ONE key that unlocks everything.

That key is:

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. ā€“ Matt 6:33

Without it nothing else will work.

Repeat: For these prayers to BRING ANY ANSWERS, you must surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.


#1: You must be genuinely born again

If you are not, you may be putting yourself in grave danger praying this kind of warfare prayers you are about to see shortly. If you are not willing to surrender all to the Lord Jesus, I suggest you stop reading now.

#2: Living a holy life is non-negotiable

You could get into serious trouble if you pray this type of prayers while continuing to live in sin. As soon as you read this, the Holy Spirit will bring conviction to your heart if you are living in any known sin. My advice is that you drop this material immediately, go on your knees and repent. Please do not go back to your vomit.

#3: Be filled with the Spirit daily

You must not be a fleshly, carnal believer. Learn to crucify your flesh. Walk in the spirit. A few tell-tale signs of carnal Christians are that they get angry very easily, cannot control their appetite for food or sex, always compare themselves to others, tell small white lies, gossip and complain about everyone, etc.

How to Walk in the Spirit

Ā ā€œIn 2005 I was 25 years old and was not born again so I was in a relationship with a man and I fell pregnant and I felt I didnā€™t want to keep this pregnancy because I was not ready for a child.

So I resorted to committing abortion. I told no one about the pregnancy and abortion even the father of the baby knew nothing until we broke up it was my secret.

As the years went by I got born again and by Godā€™s special grace I got to know of Elisha Goodman and Firesprings Ministries.

Believe me saints I always wondered why my life was an uphill battle I mean sickness and diseases that defy science.

Iā€™m xxxxx officer in my country but there was nothing to write home about.

I lost my car mysteriously and I was reduced to a poor woman, despite prayers and fastings in this forum and confession.

This went on for (11) eleven full years until last year 2020 days before the Golden Journey Express program.

The Holy Spirit whispered to me to call the man and confess to him all that I have done regarding abortion.

I was afraid at first but I finally called him and told him everything and the man forgave me.

Eagles of God, the Holy Spirit is so excellent and he knows more than we could ever imagine.

Immediately after that I got healed and shortlisted for big positions at work. Now Iā€™m an Assistant Director and financially Iā€™m ok.

Ā ā€˜He who covers his sin will not prosper but whoever confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercyā€™

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for giving me another chance in life.ā€


#4: Get addicted ā€¦ to the Word of God, your Bible, that is.

Read it out loud as much as possible.

Meditate on Scripture and let your actions and decisions be directed by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.

Letā€™s now go to the prayers.Ā 

7 Furious Prayers for December 2023


Begin with praise worship.

Praise God and worship him with songs, even with dancing.

Scripture ingredient: Psalm 118:8-17

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

All nations compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them.

They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about: but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.

They compassed me about like bees; they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will destroy them.

Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the LORD helped me.

The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.

The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.

The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.

I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.

1.Ā Ā Ā  Powers battling the God of Elijah in my life, die in the order of the prophets of Baal in the name of Jesus.

2.Ā Ā Ā 
Evil voices from my foundation asking for my blood, drink the blood of Jesus and perish, in the name of Jesus.

3.Ā Ā Ā  Any coffin spirit on assignment against my life and family, go back and swallow your sender in the name of Jesus.

4.Ā Ā Ā  Every problem that troubled my parents, I am not your candidate, therefore die by fire in the name of Jesus.

5.Ā Ā  O LORD, let the blood of Jesus cry out for my soul, and let it become the crowning of my glory, in the name of Jesus.

6.Ā Ā Ā  I reject evil summons; O LORD, let the pillar of fire surround me in my dreams in the name of Jesus.

7.Ā Ā  As this year runs to a close, O LORD, give me a testimony that will surprise my friends and shock my enemies in the name of Jesus.

Thank God for answering your prayers.

Be An Overcomer


Ā P.S.

Do you want a support group of sharp-praying prayer eagles...

... with the prophetic insights and encouragement you need to survive and thrive in these last days?

Consider joining the Forum when it opens next year.

Access MORE of the prayers >>


If you have gone through the Prayer Academy in the past, and would like receive an INVITE to the Platinum Forum...

... please send a message to Eagle Anne via the coaching email ONLY.

Subject: Platinum Invite