from: Prayer Advisor (Eagle 1)
to: <[email protected]>
date: Jun 24, 2020, 2:14 AM
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Brother elisha,
Calvary greetings. Here are some testimonies shared inside the current Prayer Academy Forum...
- Eagle 1
No prayer left unanswered
"Good Morning brethren. The Lord bless and keep thee all.
I thank God for all my loads of blessings and testimonies after the Prayer Academy and the 10 days Red Marker Prayer riots.
There was no prayer request left unattended to by The Lord. I give him all the Glory." - Olajumoke [See more...]
My trapped blessing released
I have been praying my Starter Prayers asking God for my trapped blessings to be released in the name of Jesus and for God to promote me beyond my wildest dreams............
and praise the Lord he did just that ......
On Monday 11th May at 6pm my consultant called me to say that I had been offered the job to start as soon as possible. I am in awe of this God and cannot thank him enough.
He is my God of too much, Jehovah Jireh and he is faithful always. Over the years Elisha has taught me that I too can pray for myself in any aspect of my life and that God still is in the business of answering prayers. Glory to God! -- Eve [See more...]
Mysterious sickness disappears
"Good morning blessed people of God. We are most privileged to be in this great move of God in this generation. My elder sister called that her husband was hospitalized and doctors are not giving any reason for the sickness and the man kept complaining he lacked strength.
Long story short, I confronted the sickness in the midnight and after praying for 4 hours with my Prayer of Caleb book. I slept off. I had a dream where I visited their house in the village and I met my sister, and her in-laws crying bitterly.
l told them to show me the man and I saw him sitting on the floor hopeless and murmuring. Immediately I started praying but I noticed that someone was distracting the prayers as he called the prayer point I wanted to pray even before I called them. Then Holy Spirit reminded me of the Great Physician prayer.
Immediately I opened my mouth and said oh Great Physician by the power by which you are known to be God... my brother in-law jumped up and started shouting that he was healed and he was running around asking why everybody was in their house. Meanwhile I continued praying and thanking God and I woke up. I called my sister and told her to put the phone on her husband ear and still prayed the Great Physician prayers to him.
Around evening I called her to know how is doing and she told me they are already home as he was discharged because all sickness vanished. praise the Lord. May God bless you my PAs, PEs and all the eagles. Please let us keep firing this prayer bullet as it's so anointed and powerful." - Chinyere M [See more...]
On the 7th day
"Prayer Eagles, I am here to testify of the Lord's goodness and faithfulness.
I have just finished my 7 lessons of this academy and on the 7th day God is already showing up in a powerful way. I lost my job unfairly last year in September.
I have been praying for restoration of all the enemy has stolen from me.
In this pandemic when people are losing jobs. I got a job to consult on a big energy project in my country as a national legal expert. Please note that I am not even qualified for this because I have not done similar work before.
On the same day I got another advisory project from overseas which I did not even apply for and all these are on my terms. Isn't our God good??? He answers by fire!!!! I would like you to encourage you all to continue seeking God, he is faithful. - Cathy N. [See more...]
How can this be?
"I am really shocked with the work of God through this platform. 6hours ago l posted a prayer request about the need for EXAM VICTORY. Behold brothers and sisters my story has been changed l passed with higher credits. How can we explain this? It can only be God indeed. Imagine brothers and sisters after failing SEVERAL TIMES ON THE EDGE OF BREAKTHROUGH.
This exam meant a lot to me as meeting the requirements of it will usher me into my desired career and promotion. Jesus Christ has done it.
Have joined prayer academy two days ago and still to start the lessons next week. Started FIRE STARTER PRAYERS yesterday. For the eagles who responded to my prayer request and made declarations on this platform, may the dear God bless you. I seal my testimony with the blood of Jesus." - Ruru M. [See more...]
Set free at last
"I was not able to forgive someone for the pass three years. I prayed about it constantly but I was still angry towards that person. I called this person today and we talked about the issue, apologized to each other. We prayed and settled the issue. I have been set free. Thank you Lord!" - Gillean A. [See more...]
I just can't keep quiet
"I just can't keep quiet and not testify about what the Lord did this morning. I've been having this back pain since Saturday but yesterday afternoon it was worse. I asked my son to go and buy me Gen-Payne and a packet of Pain Relief Patches from the pharmacy.
There was a slight relief but I still couldn't bend, couldn't sit properly and decided to go to bed early. When I woke up for my midnight prayer this pain was still there and it was stronger that when I went to bed. I had to drag myself out of the bed and I was even thinking of seeing a doctor in the morning.
I started with the praise and worship and then fired the prayer bullets. when I came to this bullet, 'I speak destruction unto every evil growth in my body, in Jesus' name' I then substituted 'evil growth' with 'pain'; so my bullet became 'I speak destruction unto every pain in my body, in Jesus' name.'
I fired that bullet fiercely......guess what? The pain is gone. I am so excited. Jesus has answered my prayer instantly." - Zola N. [See more...]
Childhood depression gone
"I was suffering from severe depression, chest pains and intrusive thoughts since February. Depression started in childhood but this year progressed to severe. I am breastfeeding twins and sometimes would have serious back aches. From February I started praying and fasting, once a week. End of March i received an email from coach Elisha on the 3 days to pray.
My intrusive thoughts were so much that even during prayer I would hear thoughts contrary to what I was praying for. Because I was breastfeeding, I took on the Esther Fast but drank one cup of water in the morning and at night for the milk. I soldiered on and completed the Esther's fast.
I got delivered from the depression and the intrusive thoughts up to this day. Then I got a job which was 4 times more salary than the one I had. Upon resigning, the people at the job I had countered the offer and offered even more. I became confused but later on moved to the new job because there were issues with working conditions at the former job. To be honest I feel I made a mistake by moving since the new work place conditions are not as good as well. But I would like to thank God I have a job.
As if that's not enough, God blessed me with a new car yesterday. My husband bought me a car and am so grateful to God." - Esther G. [See more...]
"I was addicted to drugs"
"Praise God I am glad to testify what the Lord has done to get me from the time I started this prayer. I was addicted to drugs but I am now delivered. God replaced the drugs with His word. May He receive all the glory." - Ashifa [See more...]
No lockdown with God
I took voluntary package from work last year March 2019 to assist my husband with his business, things got really bad then there was no income all bills on me with 2 kids,,September 2019 he packed and left us,,our son started having fits (seizures). He never came back.
I lost weight, almost lost my mind but God was on the throne. I stormed the gates, I joined PA Feb 2020.
Now my son is healed. I got temp job same month ... just yesterday I signed an offer which pays double what I was earning with good perks I never had.
I prayed this prayer bullet “O Lord in the places where they have rejected me, cause them to call me back and fall over themselves to help me “ and “Gates of profitable employment open unto me by fire in the name of Jesus"
And yes, with God there’s no lockdown! I feel blessed coming IN and going OUT - Chosen1 [See more...]
The Lord favored me!
2019 was hard. But I held unto the Prayer Academy and finished it in a hard struggle. By the end of the year, I had not received answers and I restarted Prayer Academy again on my own. I was so down I could hardly finish week 3 of my second Prayer Academy attempt. But by Feb 2020 the Lord turned around my story.
The Lord gave me a new job which even though it looked like a lower paying job has actually turned out to pay better. The Lord favored me to finalize my PHD proposal and it was submitted and I got a partial scholarship for the year. I give all the Glory to God. - ALM [See more...]
I borrowed money from my sister
In 2010 I graduated with a BSc Chemistry degree and I landed a job on the very day of my graduation as a research assistant. After some three years our donor for the project pulled out and i was jobless for slightly over a year.
I later got another job in a factory where the terms were so terrible i lost nearly 50 kgs. I would be made to produce and handle over 15 tonnes of sulfuric acid without any protective equipment on an entire non-stop eleven hour shift. This would be followed by being verbally abused on a daily basis.
I became so thin everybody thought i was dying! Even my dads health condition began to deteriorate due to worrying over me. My employer at that time liked performing some funny rituals around the factory every so often and I was the only one at work who never attended them.
Two years later i quit in a huff then joined a local humanitarian organization serving the orphaned children, as a volunteer while looking for another job opportunity.
What happened next is that I couldn't get a job in my field for the next three year! When the humanitarian engagement ended at around 2017, my dad passed away due to stress and effects of Parkinson's disease and i became jobless.
Me and my family have been storming the gates of every new year since around the year 2010 or 2012.
This time after storming the gates of 2020, I finally got to join the PA ( i was too broke to join, I borrowed money from my sister to do it).
Today out of the clear blue sky I just signed a temporary contract for a new job in a large multinational scientific research organization after seven years of waiting.
i am still thoroughly puzzled and thrilled by this breakthrough. God's goodness is surely true and everlasting! - John K [See more...]
She asked angrily:
what type of prayers are you doing?
I used to be someone who doesn't know how to read a Bible, and the Bible i decided to purchase for myself i actually bought it from a thief,which i am sure he stole it somewhere!
So whenever i opened the Bible i would not know where to start and i would read it as a novel meaning i did not understand anything at all.
Then a friend introduced me to Firesprings website which made me to feel more interested in praying.
I got some prayer points from DNA book from that friend which made me decide on Esther's fast and 21 days of fasting and prayer. From the website i managed to understand some scripture and as i started fasting God blessed me with a gift of understanding the Bible.
I could feel the Holy spirit ministering to me when as i read. 2nd day of Esther's fast doing DNA prayer points i felt fire burning in my stomach. I was sweating.
i started throwing up from midnight till to 3 am. i was throwing up things which looked like big clots of blood but when i rub it on white cloth it wasn't blood. From that day whenever whenever i dream eating in the dream i would throw up next day.
i could not believe that i could be delivered just from doing those prayer points yet I had attended many churches but never experienced that.
I even dreamt of someone asking me angrily "what type of prayers are you doing really?"
From that day i promised to join PA saying if i can be delivered by these prayer points, what about PA. Finally i joined last week and i am sooooo excited. - Precious C [See more...]
This is just a small sample from the current session of the Prayer Academy.
You can join the testimony parade here if you have not done so already.
All glory to God
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