How to Join The Forum for Free?



Once you can confirm the person you invited has signed up into any of the Forums...

... all you need to do is send us an email at: [email protected]

Your email should be titled:


Inside the email please provide these 2 pieces of information below:

1. His / her name and email address
   (must be the email used at the point of payment)

2. Your name and email address

NOTE: Ask the person to forward their receipt of payment (as proof they joined the Forum)

That's it.

We will check our system to confirm which Forum she signed up for.

Within 24 - 48 hours of sending your email you will receive a notification email with login details.


3 Forums Available With This Offer

1.  21-Day Forum [Click here for sign up page]

2.  The 6-Month Express Forum [Click here]

3.  One-Year Breakthrough Forum [CLICK HERE]

The Forum is a community of Prayer Eagles like no other...

Let me invite you to join us at the Prayer Academy if you can.

(When you invite a friend to join you are entitled to a FREE membership)

It is an online program that you can join from the comfort of you home, using only your smartphone.

Inside the Prayer Academy Forum we show you how to pray effectively (with the goal of receiving answers) using "prayer bullets" created directly from the Word of God.

A prayer bullet, when used correctly, packs real power.

- It carries raw, spiritual fire.
- It can rebuild your marriage and relationships.
- It can build you a church, or a skyscraper.
- It can flood your life with divine favor.
- Or get your body (or loved ones) healed.
- It can destroy addiction to any substance or drugs.
- It can put the honey back in your marriage.
- It can even help you find a godly spouse.
- it can help you 'see' business opportunities others cannot see.
- It can turn you into a terror to your enemies in the dream.
- It can help you live in dominion over witchcraft and other beggarly powers around.

What's more ...

Once you gain access into the Eagles Forum you'll be drawing from the support of thousands of prayer eagles from 117 countries plus our Prayer and Dream Advisors.

Unknown to you, many of those prayer eagles will be praying for you and with you.

Everything inside the Forum is confidential...

Friend, if you've read this far, I have a special message for you.

Your problems have an expiry date!

You did NOT get here by accident.

Listen to this conversation I had with a recent visitor 2 nights ago:


"I'm very grateful to have found you because my life has really changed since I no longer have to ask anyone to pray for me. 

I've really benefited from your prayer teaching though I've not yet joined the Academy.

I was going through depression when God directed me to your website in a dream. 

I had never heard about you before. Our God is so amazing since I have recovered now, fully, my business has picked up and I'm earning like four times more! 

I have been widowed for 14 years until 2019 when I got married to a very loving beautiful lady.

The blessings are endless!  Now I need to join the prayer academy. Can I pay through PayPal? Kindly direct me. Now is the time."


God bless you! Regarding your question, you may use PayPal...

Now, I'm curious to know more about how you were directed to the website in a dream.


"I've been a Christian for more than twenty years but my faith had stalled sometime after the death of my spouse. I had been raising four daughters on my own and it wasn't easy. I drifted back to drinking and then I was dating someone who wasn't really a good lady.

I  was so frustrated but I needed to stay strong for my girls. I got into depression and I was jobless. I could hear suicidal thoughts in my mind. The devil had taken charge but I still believed in the Lord though my prayer life was kind of diminished.

I fasted and cried to God! Sometime in the second or third day of my fast, God spoke to me in a dream. He said "Internet". I was like, Internet?  He said again "Internet".

I came back to my senses, woke up and grabbed my phone.

By God's Grace, I went to Facebook and after a little while I found a post by elisha. I could feel God's affirmation and the rest is history!

It's the Lord's direction that I followed and Elisha, you're a blessing to my life by God's way. Since then I've introduced so many people to your website with wonderful results.

However, I still feel the need to join the Prayer Academy. God has given me the finances!"

If you know anyone the enemy is beating black and blue...

Please invite them to join today.


Here's the message to take to them: 

“Friend, two years ago the world changed (because of the pandemic).

The way you used to pray needs to change fast.

It is the only sure way to succeed.

In a time of plagues, pandemics and global meltdown.

Going forward –

It will take more than going to church, more than “sowing seeds,”

… much more than sending prayer requests everywhere…

… (or being prayed for by anointed ministers of God)…

… to truly TAKE BACK what the enemy has stolen from you…

… whether that is in the area of your job, finances, marriage, health or whatever.”

... because it’s not where you are now that counts.

... It’s where God wants you to be (and whether you’re prepared to seize the day)"

There's a prayer session starting in the Eagles'  Forum as you read this.

John 10:27 says:

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

Whose voice are you hearing?

Don't wait.

Start here >>


Yes, I want to invite a friend to join (click here)


Be An Overcomer
