"Long-lost prayer secrets to release untold blessings, breakthroughs and testimonies"
Introducing: NEW Prayer Bullets Archive
"Prayer bullets putting smiles on thousands of faces"
It’s not supposed to be a secret.
Every victorious prayer warrior has a collection of prayers that has brought great deliverance and blessings.
They pray and share them to receive more blessings.
Prayer Eagles like my students hoard them, collect them, and treasure them.
I learned that in case of a fire (God forbid), most of my students would move to save their prayer collections first.
I showed them how to download all our prayer riots and keep them for future use.
Over the years I instructed my assistants to set up electronic prayer cabinets organized by topic.
Spiritual Growth
Holy Spirit Baptism
Healing and Deliverance
Finances and Debt Freedom
Job and Career Advancement
Spiritual Warfare
Holy Living
Yes, I catalogued everything that prayer warriors have prayed for hundreds of years.
I studied them and asked the Holy Spirit to show me when to use them.
How can this possibly work?
Last month I asked our members to send the "Top 3 Desires" they were praying about.
Out of 7,399 posts...
81 percent of them had something to do with financial problems in one way or the other.
That's over 5,900 of the Top 3 desires that were sent in.
What was my response?
To start dealing with this urgent issue, I quietly inserted one prayer bullet each in my daily emails.
TC from Zimbabwe saw the first prayer (just like everyone else).
Unlike everyone else, she decided to pray it to saturation... overnight.
Within 24 hours she received the answer.
The answer came suddenly - in a way she didn't expect.
Here's how it happened:
"24-hour miracle released with 1 prayer bullet"
"God is good all the time. I recently signed up for your daily emails. All i can say is He is a faithful God.
I have been struggling financially, no job and the little business that i run was not paying off,
sometimes i would go for weeks without a single client so it was hand to mouth, then boom this prayer bullet came:
'Every generational curse of eating from hand to mouth, break by fire in the name of Jesus.'
I still do not have words, this morning i had 15 calls from different new clients all with big orders.
I am overwhelmed. As am writing am working to meet deadline and already paid before even starting."
Praise the LORD.
You too may be 1 prayer away from your next testimony.
It is written:
Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? - Jer. 32:27
In the spiritual realm...
... that prayer is like what the military people call a hit-to-kill kinetic warhead.
In every day language that means "super targeted".
What more can I say?
For another example, take the "Great Physician" prayer:
"O Great Physician by all the power for which you are known to be God arise and declare total healing in my body, soul and spirit in the name of Jesus Christ."
It is responsible for hundreds of healing testimonies on our websites.
Yet another example is the prayer against rejection which goes like this:
'Covenant keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the places where they have rejected me, cause them to call me back and fall over themselves to help me in Jesus' name.'
This one too has brought so many testimonies we stopped counting.
New jobs.
Many weddings.
Happy marriages.
Sudden promotion at work.
"I laughed when I saw this tiny 'prayer manual' -- but when I started to pray!"
That was Teresa's experience - what finally pushed her to the breaking point.
She says:
"I was nearly half a million dollars in debt.
Mortgage, loans, student loan, credit card debt.
And it got worse.
My checking account overdraft was on overdraft.
I couldn't pay for groceries.
I couldn't pay my 2 employees.
And then business debt came calling.
Vendors who had made a fortune from me showed up demanding money I didn't owe them.
I went to court and the judge told me I couldn't appear without a lawyer, which I couldn't afford.
My landlord left messages on my answering machine cursing and threatening me.
For a long time life was hell on earth.
And I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't eat.
I could barely drag myself out of bed.
And then I discovered something that turned it all around.
Here's what I discovered...
A book of prayers!
It was not your traditional type of prayer book.
It came with prayers and how to pray them for RAPID results.
There were no empty promises made.
Just the prayers.
I laughed when I saw it.
But something told me to try it.
I was going through hell at the time.
I had nothing to lose.
That period of time that I called hell was actually the precursor to a breakthrough.
I did the prayer as instructed.
By the following morning my phone was ringing.
I had just won a design contest!
With it came a surprising contract that helped me begin the long climb out of debt.
Needless to say I was speechless.
That night I went to the website to buy the book and anything else that was on offer.
Here's what I found ..."
What she found was a "confidential" place where our prayer bullets are archived.
All organized as "Prayer Bullets Manuals" and stored in one place for easy access.
There are 12 of them.
Little leaks that keep people poor
The first one, "Financial Deliverance Handbook" reveals 7 little "leaks" that keep people, especially Christians, poor, sick and broke.
Plus, the 70 prayers to plug those leaks and release financial favor on-demand (as and when needed).
The next one: Overnight Deliverance from Spirit Spouses features the "notorious" speed deliverance prayers...
... to deal with the stubborn strongman that has the power to destroy marriage and relationships, stir up trouble all of a sudden, and provoke rejection even when things appear to be going well.
Plus, 10 more prayer manuals each addressing an urgent area of need.
See all 12 here (this week only) >>
Be An Overcomer
P.S: The Prayer Archive is open ...