The secret of how to read and make a testimony "overflow" into your life
Dear Prayer Eagle,
For every illness, there is a country where it simply doesn't exist.
For every problem, there is a person who simply doesn't know it exists.
For every testimony you read, there is a way to pray and ...
... cause it to "overflow" into your life and family.
This will tell you how.
After you've read this page, you'll know what to do ...
... when you read testimonies of victory over...
>> bad relationships ...
>> debt burdens ...
>> poor health ...
>> bad dreams...
>> and MORE
Let's start...
... by showing you how Dr. JKE, a long-time prayer eagle in our Forum, saw a testimony a while ago ...
... and decided to apply what we teach here and believe for her own testimony ...
(Yes, she shares a hot tip you can use immediately).
"Whatever you name, you can dominate: A brand new car no cash"
"I needed a car, according to consumer advisers, this is not the best time to be buying a car.
Worse, my credit is less than perfect for US standards.
I paid no attention to their "wisdom".
I decided instead to start trusting God for a brand new car.
My faith was strengthened when you shared a powerful scripture/lesson about...
... "Dominion from: Genesis 32:24-29 Jacob wrestled with God until he was released.
“Whatever you name, you can dominate.”
I had always read Genesis and realized that God gave Adam naming rights to name all animals and plants in the garden of Eden.
I became desperate to apply God's word of faith in being a Child of Abraham and a joint heir with Christ through the resurrection power.
I told God that I need a car to be able to drive to Church which is far and is now open, to drive to my new job and to drop my daughter at school.
I prayed for weeks while fasting, then I read a testimony you shared about an Eagle who took clips ...
... of a posh car from a magazine and believed God for it and I think she got married to a rich fiance who bought her the same car.
The Holy Spirit told me to stop praying and start naming my car.
I did some research on prices, brands, etc.
I then asked God to show me a car from the many cars I see everyday during my walk from work.
While I've enjoyed walking to work (in this new city where God has provided a new job), winter weather is fast approaching.
There is a certain (car) color and make that kept passing me---I knew it was a sign.
So I opened my computer one day in the middle of the work day...
I looked online at an inventory from a car dealership and as I scrolled through,
suddenly, I saw a brand new car of the same exact color and make at a significantly reduced price.
I contacted the dealership immediately.
I continued to meditate on this prayer bullet from the recently concluded 7-Day Divine Helper Prayer Riot:
"Let the presence, dominion, authority, and blessings of God be experienced in this environment in the name of Jesus."
I got a call the following day from a gentleman who asked many questions.
I answered all of them earnestly- one of which was: "do you have any money to put down?.. to which I answered with a resounding NO!
At the end of the conversation he wanted me to go in and sign paperwork.
It was late in the day so I couldn't go but it gave me a chance to continue praying.
The next morning he sent for a driver to pick me up, I walked into the dealership with no money,
no car and imperfect credit and left with a brand new car as the one I had seen and believed God for.
What is even more shocking was that my payments were lowered by 30%, even the car salesman was in shock.
Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied,
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
In the name of Jesus! All I used was God's word, prayer as elisha has taught us to send machine gun bullets culled from scripture and aggressive faith.
I named my miracle and my angels of blessings located it and divine helpers were placed at the dealership to facilitate it.
Praise be to God!
-- Eagle: Dr. JKE
Praise the LORD.
She was told to STOP praying and start taking action!
Did you catch that?
Testimonies are weapons of war.
We have collected thousands of them over the years.
Now, we cannot let them go to waste sitting on my hard drive or in the cloud somewhere.
These testimonies must be made accessible to all believers everywhere.
You should learn how to deploy them anytime to disgrace the enemy.
You certainly must know how to ...
... "own" any testimony that applies to your situation, pray and TAKE ACTION until it manifests in your own life and family.
Just like Eagle Dr. JKE did.
Prayer and action is what we teach here.
Because prayer + inspired action is an unconquerable army.
As soon as it dawned on me that thousands of testimonies that could go a long way in arming our people for VICTORY in the current spiritual warfare ...
... were just languishing away in the dark corners of my computer hard drives, never to be seen or heard of again...
The Holy Spirit gave me an idea.
The long and short of it is that we created a web app to load up thousands of the testimonies of the past 15 years and ...
... share with the world.
As as one of our eagle volunteers was busy uploading some testimonies I realized a better and faster approach might be to roll it out to our prayer eagles all at once.
If you have ever sent us your testimony, then all you need to do is copy it from your pc / device and upload it by yourself (much like you post stories and pictures on Instagram).
It is very simple to do.
In just 3 clicks you will be able to copy/paste your testimony.
Then click the SHARE button to share it on WhatsApp and all the other social media.
Here are the 3 steps.
Step #1:
Select the category to post the testimony
Step #2:
Give it a title and add a photo (if you want - you don't have to)
Step #3:
Type in the testimony or copy/paste it from your device and click "Share"
That's it.
Just 3 clicks and your testimony is LIVE for the people of God to see and be inspired to pray and take action.
It doesn't matter whether you shared the testimony in 2005 (when we first started) or just yesterday ...
... it has the power to encourage and motivate someone to arise and TAKE BACK what the enemy has stolen from them...
... so they too can share their testimonies sooner rather than later... maybe even before the end of this year.
Why is this so important?
Please read the testimony pinned at the top of the page carefully.
This is a seriously important message in these last days
Please feel free to create your free account...
Post your testimony (by clicking the big + sign at the bottom of the screen) ...
... and hit the SHARE button to share on WhatsApp (and everywhere).
Be An Overcomer