If you joined us for the 5-day testimony training...
Please accept my congratulations!
You are on your way to becoming a spiritual champion - what we refer to as a "Prayer Eagle."
Someone had her first testimony during the training!
First ...
Before I show you what she said (in her own words)
Thank you for coming with us on the journey.
The fact that you're reading this tells me something.
You hunger for spiritual victory in every area of your life.
Thank you for coming with us on the journey.
The fact that you're reading this tells me something.
You hunger for spiritual victory in every area of your life.
In the COMMENTS section many have said they would like to destroy the yoke of stagnancy.
Others told me they want to be debt-free this year, among other things.
For Twili B that has started to happen even before the end of this 5-day training.
Here's what she just posted in the COMMENTS section:
"I have cleared the two debts giving me sleepless nights"
Praise the LORD.
See what happened within the 5-day training?
Imagine what will happen if she continues in the Prayer Eagles Forum.
Look at what Pamela, another participant, just said:
Glenda, another participant, saw this as an opportunity to pray for her sick pastor friend.
(Very commendable).
Hear what happened:
Glory be to God.
Please do NOT miss her last sentence.
She appreciates the support from others like Eagle M.
Eagle M is one of hundreds of prayer eagles you will meet in the Members' Forum.
Always encouraging ... always there for you.
They are in FORUM 24/7 to hold your hand and encourage you day after day ... until your testimony appears!
I make bold to say:
There is no other place like this on the Internet or social media.
Please listen carefully.
As I said at the beginning of this training...
This temporary Forum closes in a few days.
As I said at the beginning of this training...
This temporary Forum closes in a few days.
(It has run a bit longer because of a technical glitch).
I set it up to demonstrate that you too can pray and trust the LORD for your testimony as well.
If you need ongoing help with more testimony-provoking prayers and unwavering SUPPORT from our eagle community...
If you need ongoing help with more testimony-provoking prayers and unwavering SUPPORT from our eagle community...
I have one major tip for you on the next page.
If for some reason you are not able to join us today that's OK too.
There is a 2nd option ...
You gain access to more prayers like the ones we used during the 5-day training...
... but without access to the community Forum.
Please note:
These are all electronic books (meaning nothing will be sent in the mail).
You will have access to download and store on your device, and use them over and over again.
For a limited time only we made them very cheap so most people could afford them.
The proceeds are used to run these sites and reach out globally to others who need help.
Here's where to find the ebooks (without access to Eagles Community Forum):
--> Click her for ebook-only access
--> Click her for ebook-only access
For access to both the ebooks plus the Eagles' Forum:
Be An Overcomer
P.S. This is a limited-time offer. The page disappears in 72 hours. Forum closes shortly.