🕒 Special Invitation

Do you feel hurt, disappointed, rejected, discouraged, lonely, mistreated, embarrassed and unappreciated?

… [READ ON] Your testimony might be closer than you think!

  "Dear Elisha Goodman,

I praise the living God for what He has used you to do in my life and to many others.

After going through challenging times over the past three years without a job and over 8 years going through a divorce, the one relationship that prevented me from going insane is my relationship and faith in God.

Over the last two years I sank further into debt and just could not function. 

Then my very good friend and sister sent me the link at the end of Dec to join you and many others storm the gates of 2019 over a 14 days prayer and fasting. then on the 12 of Jan I decided to order for the ecourse on how to pray out of debt.

I write to let you know that all my debts have been paid in full within a week of prayer.  I am now going ahead to register with the Prayer Academy.

May God bless you richly. To God be the Glory!"

-- Bih from South Africa


Receiving the answers you’ve always wanted just got a lot simpler. Here’s why…


It’s an eternal truth

God still answers prayers!

Using "prayer bullets" is not only the simplest way to touch Heaven today.

It’s also the quickest way in existence to receive answers to prayers – and experience rapid breakthroughs.

Prayer is everywhere you look… 

Pastors talking about prayer on TV, Internet and social media.

Friends sharing testimonies of answered prayers.

People in church.

Preachers and missionaries.

And in thousands upon thousands of posts and videos all across social media.

Christians all around the world are talking about prayer more than ever before.

And sharing some of the most dramatic testimonies you’ve ever seen.

And it’s no wonder believers are sharing such spectacular testimonies.

Because prayer unlocks the realm of the spirit for divine blessings to flow into your life daily.

All while ensuring your all-round divine protection from wicked attacks, viruses and pandemics from the camp of the enemy.

Even though a way of life centered around prayer and the word of God brings so many blessings not just to the individual, but also to their families, communities, and churches…

Most believers never actually start living a prayerful life – or give it up within a few weeks.

And the majority of people never see the answers they desire.

Until now.

"I would like to testify of this God who is mightily using elisha. Last year I was in serious debts and after taking the 101 debt-free prayer points, I was surprised that after owing debts amounting to 4 times my salary, that all had been paid up. I ended the year as a lender not a borrower. Am glad that l became debt free."  - Silibaziso 


 "I cannot tell all that God has done for me through this ministry. I had experienced a lot of trouble in my marriage and I did not know what to do . Out of the blues prayers on the "two headed serpent” were sent into my in box and I embarked on them. The change was almost instant. 
I also recommend marriage restoration prayers to any one experiencing problems in their marriage. The prayers are priceless! Firesprings ministries may God extend your territory in Jesus’ name Amen & Amen." - Anne, Kenya


There’s A Way Out

  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried and failed in the past.

  • There’s a better way to pray and receive answers.

  • Uncomplicated.

  • It’s been there in the Bible all along (but ignored by the modern church)

  • There’s no need to run around looking for others to pray for you.

  • Or think that you’re not anointed enough to pray and receive answers from God.

  • There’s no need to go about seeking for anointing oil.

  • Or miracle kerchief. Or holy water.

Prayer bullets have worked for thousands of believers.

I’ll show you how to do it.

And it will work for you. 

"In December God amazed me by paying my USD 5,000 debt miraculously. Now you know why i take material that i come across from you seriously."  - Wycliff, Kenya


"I am a woman who had a lot of debts but God changed everything in my life. I was re-graded from being an assistant administrator to administrator this year and was back-paid from April 2013.

I used to nag and complain a lot but have changed to a prosperous, debt-free woman. I thank God for turning my life around. I am now  awake in the spirit, and can fight all evil attacks in the dreams.

 I wrote my exams since last year November and have improved from being a failure to a successful woman that I never thought I will be. Praise the Lord."  - Sarah


"Thank you for the In-theatre way to attack the enemy.

It was early 2000, my dad started nose-bleeding. It didn't improve and worsened to eye-bleeding (yes, bleeding from the eyes). We went to the best E.N.T surgeons in the country but they could not help, they gave up.

Then I had a dream.  Thousands of rat-like creatures with long nozzles were aggressively advancing and screaming for blood. I started praying in the dream and I was holding a gun firing without mercy to the ratlike creatures shouting in the name of Jesus die.

There was a massacre and glory to the name of Jesus,  the bleeding stopped the very next morning  till today, more than 12 years later. In-theatre attack works." - Justice U     

Lynette has tasted it.

She says:

"I was in a horrible position for some years. I was out of a job. If I got offers it was low pay. I embarked on the 40 prayer points, and then I started to see the light. I got a great job. I was in debt for over 20 years. 

I continued the same month I got paid from my job into prayer academy. Now I am free from an age old bondage of debt. My marriage is a heaven compared to how it used to be. 

Things just turned around after some years through the prayers sent by Prayer Coach Elisha."


"I've got a testimony. Let God be praised. I love that prayer bullet. I couldn't last in a relationship before but I tell you now that my fiance who left me is back again and we are on fire.

God I thank you. I was given removal letter from my work after fasting but they called me today. They want me back! Hallelujah. Thank you more than you will ever know. God bless you always."
- Irene, South Africa 


 "I was introduced to you by a friend, my life was so messed up, I lost a job,a car and the project of building a house stopped. People laughed at me even Christians in my church. I took a decision to pray every day. It was not easy but I knew something was wrong.

   There was a snake that used to attack me in the dream. I prayed and killed it in my dream. To cut the story short I was expecting money and I used your prayers for about one year. On the 16 of August I was in court I got paid a huge amount of money that has shocked me and my family. God doesn't disappoint. Praise the Lord."  
 - Miss V  


"I want to thank God for all the motivation l got from you. I have always wanted to join the Prayer Academy but l didn't.  Sometimes I tell myself if l had joined, my breakthrough would have come quicker. 

With the help of my friends and your prayer bullets, 5 years of broken marriage has been restored.  This December we will spend xmas as a family." - Chido, South Africa 


 "How I Got Out of Debt, Married My Godly 
Spouse And Jump-started My Stalled Career" 

"I once joined the Prayer Academy in 2015. After re-reading Elisha's course again and again I got it. I went back to university, graduated and wrote my first book same year. But God had not finished with me yet.

I miraculously became mortgage-free at 48 years of age and bought my new property cash. My biggest debt gone just like that, I'm still in shock. It's not easy to do this here in the UK. I'm not even a British by birth. I came here from Africa. I could feel my chains break. 

Listen I'm not saying I suddenly became rich. I've read, prayed and taken action about debt from Elisha's notes. I practically followed everything word for word. I also got married four months later to my best friend and childhood sweetheart who I have similar religious beliefs. We went to Sunday school together and same primary school. I prayed for marriage because my first marriage failed. 

Elisha's teaching on this one is not for the faint hearted. I tried these prayers before and quit. But I went back and prayed them like crazy... 
now I own my house now without a mortgage, I got married same year. I have many more things that are happening."    - Eagle Anne, U.K  


Three Reasons People Give Up On Prayers 

Reason #1
“I Run Out of Things to Say”


Many are too embarrassed to admit it.

After a few minutes of prayers they run out of things to say. They go silent.

Often, they wonder how someone can pray for one hour, two hours and beyond.

What is responsible for this?

Lack of training. Plus no prayer support.

In most churches many people join the choir and attend choir practice - to be trained to sing well.

Many fellowships conduct weekly Bible studies - to teach people the scriptures.

These are all good.

But ...

Have you ever seen a church with prayer studies/practice ... anywhere in the world?


In my entire life I've only seen one or two (and I've visited many continents of the world).

How then are believers supposed to learn how to pray and receive answers from the throne of God?

The disciples of Christ had this same problem at one time.

So they asked to be taught.

To pray.

As a believer, you too need to be taught to pray - Luke 11 verse 1.

Once you learn to pray, this problem will become a thing of the past.

You will find yourself praying for hours (and enjoying it) especially when you see the answers to your prayers …

... coming directly from the throne of God Himself.


Reason #2
“I Pray, Pray, Pray – No Answer”


If you have been praying without being taught how, you will most certainly face this problem.

You could be praying amiss.

Your prayers are not targeted at all.

It is like firing a gun without aiming at anything. You are just hoping it hits something.

But there is something better. And super-effective when you desire to receive answers to your prayers (more about this in a moment).


Reason #3
“I Get Discouraged Easily”

I don’t blame you for getting discouraged.

I would be too, especially since no one seems able to explain why some pray and receive answers while YOU pray and…


Discouragement is one of the biggest weapons the enemy uses to turn believers away from prayer.

And if you do not have a support group to encourage you, or stand in the gap for you, you’re most likely going to give up prematurely.


When Did God Stop Answering Prayers?


These days you hear in many Christian circles how God no longer performs miracles.

They want you to believe that miracles ended with the Apostles.

But none of them has ever been able to point to even one scripture to prove that viewpoint.

Of course God has not stopped healing.

Just as He has not stopped the work of salvation.

And deliverance. And many other wonderful things.

He definitely has not stopped answering prayers.

What has happened is that the modern believer has not bothered to learn to pray.

The simplest way to explain this is by the use of what we call “Prayer Bullets.”


Let Me Explain What A Prayer Bullet Is


It is a verse of scripture, usually taken right out of the Bible.

Converted into short, sharp, furious-sounding prayers that you can pray over and over again.

In the realm of the spirit, it sounds like a bullet released from a shotgun.

Let's demonstrate.

In Psalm 118 verse 17 we read this warfare scripture:

"I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord."

 When you turn it into a prayer bullet it can go in several directions, like this:

  • I reject every arrow of death in the name of Jesus.

  • I shall live to fulfill my divine destiny in the name of Jesus.

  • Every agent of untimely death, my life is not your candidate, therefore carry your evil load and die in the name of Jesus.

  • Thou power of the grave, lose your hold in the mighty name of Jesus.

And so on...

Now, notice carefully that this is not "vain repetition" which the Bible warns against.


Because you are creating the prayer bullet directly from the Word of God... which stands sure forever.

A prayer bullet delivered in this manner packs real power.

  1. It carries raw, spiritual fire.

  2. It can rebuild your marriage and relationships.

  3. It can build you a church, or a skyscraper.

  4. It can flood your life with divine favor.

  5. Or get your body (or loved ones) healed.

  6. It can destroy addiction to any substance or drugs.

  7. It can put the honey back in your marriage.

  8. It can even help you find a godly spouse.

  9. It can turn you into a terror to your enemies in the dream.

  10. It can help you to live in dominion over witchcraft and other beggarly powers around.

Here's what I've been trying to get across to Christians for 15 years:

There is a prayer bullet for every conceivable situation in your life!

In Just 30 Days…




Once you are trained to pray like this (mixing actual Bible verses with prayers under the direction of the Holy Spirit) …

  • You may find that answers to prayers come as you are still speaking

  • You may discover all your “enemies” are nowhere to be found

  • You may even be surprised to see those that used to mock you now coming to you for help

  • You may find all the blessings that were stolen from you in the past being restored in miraculous ways

Let's go to Facebook.

Grace writes:

“My prayer life changed and friends get amazed at the type of prayers I pray all thanks to the Almighty God for using Elisha Goodman to teach us the wonderful way of praying for self and see results.”

Konan Eugene adds:

“Targeted prayers are the keys to targeted answers from God. These prayers are to be found in Elisha's teachings!”


Say Goodbye to Frustration. Say Hello To Answers


Everyone who has ever been prayed for knows the frustration.

Some “highly anointed” person prays over you. Even prophesies that God has answered the prayers. Everything looks so promising.

You feel like all your problems are over.

Then nothing.

If anything, the problem gets worse. The attacks increased.

"I need a blueprint to follow"   

"I've received so many powerful prophecies, gone through so many deliverance sessions everywhere, claimed so many promises, prayed so many prayers from tons of churches and websites, etc. that my head is spinning, but I'm still not making much progress. 

Listening to too many "prophets" and receiving too much conflicting advice, especially on the Internet, can be paralyzing. I need a blueprint, put together by someone with a divine mandate to share the secrets of the kingdom ... a blueprint / roadmap to follow that clearly outlines the exact steps to take, in the right order. I have no doubt you are that someone..."  - Name Withheld 

If this seems familiar to you, let me assure you that those days are OVER.

There’s a BETTER way to pray and receive answers…

And it is biblical.

It is called …

'One step, one punch, one round at a time'

If you have read this far, then it is safe to assume...

... you are one of the thousands who find themselves facing the common problem of not knowing what prayers to pray when confronted with specific troubles.

Please take it:

'One step, one punch, one round at a time'


  • Log into the Prayer Forum (one step)

  • Start with the first prayer bullet (one punch)

  • Soon you will get to all the prayer bullets for that session (one round).

Do that day after day and you will receive all the answers to your prayers...

... because you'll be drawing from the support of thousands of prayer eagles inside the Forum.

Unknown to you, many of them will be praying for you and with you.

Let me quickly add something here:

If you have surrendered your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, all you have to do is:

Just one step, one punch, one round at a time.

In this day and age, when you can join the Forum using only a smartphone from the comfort of your bedroom…

… I don't want to hear anyone say they have prayed everything they know of and do not know what to pray again.

All the prayer bullets are READY for you.

Just one step, one punch, one round at a time ... from today onward.

Prophet Isaiah put it more eloquently:

"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little" - Isaiah 28:10


How to receive answers to your prayers … starting tonight


Over 7,000 believers from 117 countries have received amazing answers from the LORD in the past few years.

Using these prayer bullets you are about to see shortly.

Women and men of all ages, from all walks of life, and with different needs and desires…

… and the answers they’re getting are absolutely staggering.

My email inbox is filled with raving testimonies.

Hundreds upon hundreds of success stories pouring in

Proving how God is still in the business of answering prayers.

In fact, I have a huge stack printed on my desk.

EXPRESS Prayer Academy

"The confidential prayer community that has put smiles on thousands of faces"

 It’s not supposed to be a secret.

Every victorious prayer warrior has a collection of prayers that has brought great deliverance and blessings.

They pray and share them to receive more blessings.

Prayer eagles like my students hoard them, collect them, and treasure them.

I learned that in case of a fire, most of my students would move to save their prayer collections first.

I showed them how to download all our prayer riots and keep them for future use.

Over the years I instructed my assistants to set up electronic prayer cabinets organized by topic.


Spiritual Growth

Holy Spirit Baptism

Healing and Deliverance

Finances and Debt Freedom


Job and Career Advancement





Spiritual Warfare

Holy Living

Yes, I catalogued everything that prayer warriors have prayed for hundreds of years.

I studied them and asked the Holy Spirit to show me when to use them.

Take for example the "Great Physician" prayer:

"O Great Physician by all the power for which you are known to be God arise and declare total healing in my body, soul and spirit in the name of Jesus Christ."

It is responsible for hundreds of healing testimonies on our websites.

Praise the LORD.

Another one is the prayer against rejection which goes like this:

'Covenant keeping God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the places where they have rejected me, cause them to call me back and fall over themselves to help me in Jesus' name.'

 That one too  has brought so many testimonies we stopped counting.

New jobs.

Many weddings.

Happy marriages.

Rapid promotion at work.

Then my assistant alerted me to a prayer file salvaged from a very old HP computer I used in the nineties.

It was bizarre.

We used it for training and deliverance from "hard" problems.

Especially for those tormented by serpentine powers.

I had never seen a prayer sequence that effective.

I stored those prayer files in that old hard drive and forgot about them for 22 years!

Earlier this year, I found them and sat down and started to go through them.


One subscriber used them and got delivered from a serpent projected into her private parts when she visited a false prophet years ago!

There are 70 of those prayer bullets.

All collected into a new Prayer Academy lesson with the somewhat scary title:

70 Prayers to Terminate The Ministry of the Serpent

... and there's so much more to this as well.

The pdf opens with these words:


"Powerful revelation today…

… aimed at ruining the most insidious battle plan ever concocted against the human race …

... by opening your eyes to a hidden realm where victory is won or lost -- before anything happens in the physical world."


Before now, if you wanted to discover these "lost" prayer bullets no one has heard of...

… you would have had to join the Full Prayer Academy.

But then I realized not everyone could afford to join the Academy, even if they wanted to.

(PREMIUM version of the Prayer Academy requires $147 for registration).

So, I created a mini-version of the Prayer Academy with Lessons 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

8 weeks of intense prayers (to bring down answers from Heaven).

You can have access to the mini-version of this EXPRESS Prayer Academy today.

This version is way simpler.

And easier to work through.

Please don't be fooled by the idea that this is a mini version of the Academy.

What you have here is 8 weeks of fast and furious prayers offered this once...

... it will NOT be available in the future.

This is for those who have some difficulty joining the PREMIUM version of the Academy.

By the time you complete these 8 weeks of prayers you will trigger such abundance in your life that will be able to join any program with ease...  

... provided you follow the simple instructions to pray.

There are 8 Lessons … fully unlocked and ready now

You also have access to the following ebooks as part of the course:

Dream Code

Prayer DNA Secrets

101 Debt-Free Prayers

Prayer Cookbook for Busy People

A few weeks ago, I sent out an invitation to "test-drive" these new mini-courses.

The result was the opening testimony you read a while ago … from Bih in South Africa:

“I joined you and many others storm the gates of 2019 over a 14 days prayer and fasting. then on the 12 of Jan I decided to order for the e-course on how to pray out of debt. I write to let you know that all my debts have been paid in full within a week of prayer.  I am now going ahead to register with the prayer academy.”

 All glory to God.

Now, the EXPRESS version of the Prayer Academy is accessible through the new Prayer Forum.

It is a new, interactive community with breakthrough prayer bullets.

It’s designed to address the 3 reasons why people give up on prayers...

running out of things to say, praying without answers, getting discouraged after a while ...


Over the years these 8 Lessons (from 0 to 7) have made it possible for believers from 117 countries to pray and receive breakthroughs such as:

Breakthrough  #1:
"Open" your eyes to see divine opportunities everyone else around you cannot see.

Breakthrough #2:
Smash through obstacles and invisible barriers that are impossible to others.

Breakthrough #3:
Overcome dream attacks and recover your virtues stolen in the dream.

Breakthrough #4:
Helps you destroy the giant of failure at the edge of breakthroughs, and turn your dreams into reality faster.

Breakthrough #5:
Make marital problems HALF-SOLVE themselves before you even touch them (there is a new Case Study on the blog with a step-by-step account of what happened to a sister recently when she embarked on a 10-day prayer journey).

Breakthrough #6:
Melt away satanically inspired problems ... and begin to attract divine helpers, admiring friends and allies like a human magnet.

Breakthrough #7:
Recover your self-esteem, divine authority and charisma ... the kind of spontaneous, divine charm that melts even icebergs.

Breakthrough #8:
Receive higher pay than any other person in your office doing the same job.

Breakthrough #9:
Make unfriendly neighbors, co-workers, family members suddenly recognize you as the head and not the tail (Remember: the Bible says, "the LORD will make you the head, not the tail" - Deut. 28:13).

Breakthrough #10:
Rekindle your spouse's interest in you (if you are married) even if he or she hasn't looked at you in years.

Breakthrough #11:
Catapult you from an obscure, affliction-stricken existence to someone whose opinions are valued by family, friends and even the bosses at work.

Breakthrough #12:
Smash obstacles right out of your path, as though you were brushing a fly off your forehead.

Breakthrough #13:
(If you are in business) operate in such divine favor that the men and women in charge of money-making opportunities will actually SEEK YOU OUT to participate in their profits.

Breakthrough #14:
Transform your lazy, unfocused, easily-fatigued prayer times into a joyful dynamo of spiritual power that can last for hours and hours.

Breakthrough #15:
Turn opponents into friends, adversaries into fans, especially in offices where "workplace witchcraft" weapons are being deployed against unsuspecting people.

Breakthrough #16:
Kill rejection, shatter habits, weaknesses and limitations that have crippled you for years ... and replace them with an irresistible drive and determination that makes enemies flee from your path like ants beneath your feet.

Breakthrough #17:
Close the door through which evil genetic carryovers of sickness, poverty and affliction have been gaining access into your life

(Translation: you don't have to go through the same problems as your parents and siblings).

Breakthrough #18:
Help relevant Scriptures stick to your memory -  so you can play them back automatically to the enemy even in your dreams (almost word for word what you read as far back as six months or a full year before ... anytime you sense a spiritual attack).

You see examples of these breakthroughs all over our websites and in our daily prophetic emails to our prayer community members.

A total value of $107 --

Yours today for only $77 !

Is the Prayer Academy Express right for you?

Listen, before you place your order today, there are a few things you need to know.

The Prayer Academy EXPRESS allows you to go at your own pace

First. Every prayer bullet works in real-world situations. Thousands who have used portions of it in the past say so. Plus, you’ll quickly realize you don’t need much willpower when you’re simply logging in and joining others in your support group for prayers.

The Prayer Academy EXPRESS takes out all the guesswork

Unlike other prayer programs out there, the prayer bullets will work when you pray them with your mouth. You don’t need super-anointed people to do that for you.

There’s nothing to figure out. All you do is follow along and watch in awe as the Lord begins to deal with your case faster than you ever imagined possible.

With this Prayer Academy EXPRESS, you’ll never be alone

To ensure your success, I’ve set up a live support team who will answer any questions you might have along the way.

Plus you’ll also get a 6-month access to a community packed with the most passionate and willing-to-help prayer eagles, advisors, teachers, and guides you’ll ever meet.

People around the world who are on this journey along with you. And willing to share their friendly advice and encouragement.

Don’t let this one pass you by…

Gain access today for only $77!

 You can do such much with just gaining access to this Prayer Academy Express.

Let's demonstrate ...

The prayer bullets in this track allow you to pray against the chains of debt slavery.

How, you ask.

First, a little background to the teaching and prayers.

How to jump over the 3 big barriers to becoming debt-free this year

The devil is a master at dressing up pure evil in very nice language.

Debt has been dressed up and repackaged as "credit".

Just to entice people to borrow and spend money they don't have.

This is just the physical side of debt.

Behind the scene is something more sinister and spiritual:

The Ancestral Dragon of Debt

Every one in debt is a debt-slave to this invisible goliath.
So many believers are up to their eyes in debt... everywhere.

But that could soon be history.  For you.


Just like the  goliath in the Bible, this dragon of debt has a hidden weakness.

In those days, it took a David to locate that weakness (guided of course by the Holy Spirit).

Today, you can locate the unprotected forehead of this goliath of debt and deal it a final death blow.

Using a combination of financial discipline and targeted prayer bullets.

I teach believers how to do this.

That's the reason you sometimes see testimonies of miraculous debt cancellation here.

As an example here's a recent one from Lority:

"You have taught me to fight all my battles through studying the Word, prayer and fasting. I did prayer academy and completed but I never gave a testimony. I was later accepted in the 24 Hour blog and had a chance to participate in the Golden journey Express 2018 but I could not fast up to the 11th day due to my condition.

I am a BP patient so I fasted up to day 5 and thereafter continued firing prayer bullets at midnight up to the end of the program without fasting. God did it for me. I had a long standing debt of close to $7000.00 which was supposed to be carried forward to the new system on upgrade.

It had been years trying to engage the service provider to upgrade my system. I had given up on following up on them. During the Golden Journey Express period, the service provider is the one who then came looking for me to upgrade the system. Guess what, when they tried to link the new system to  the old system, the debt was no more there.

They tried to search through the system, there was nothing. The Lord cancelled the debt for me completely. I fall short of words on what to say to My God except to say Thank you Lord. I am now debt free because of this promise keeping God of Abraham."

Here's another:

"My whole family is praying and giving glory to God. My marriage relationship has changed tremendously. Midnight prayer has become bread and water in my life. The 40 prayer points to ask for anything, 25 prayer points of Thanksgiving, the 17 Miracle prayer points and the 7 Furious monthly prayers has given me favor at my place of work and financial breakthrough.I have a beautiful new home ( debt free)." - Beatrice


Morris confirms that it is indeed possible to start a small business without taking on debt. Hear him:

"I really thank the LORD God for the things He is doing in my life through this program. I completed the prayer academy in  May 2016 and in June 2016 the LORD provided money that I used to clear a bank loan I have been repaying slowly and topping up again and again since 2009. I am now debt free and I have began a chicken farming business. Thank you Jesus."


How did they do it, you ask.

First, they began to hate debt with perfect hatred.

Then they started to confront the invisible goliath of debt-slavery with furious prayers like this:

"You dragon of debt, vomit my virtues and die in the name of Jesus."

There are many more like this.

Inside the PA Express Forum.

Packaged as short, easy-to-use prayer bullets sprinkled throughout the lessons.

Before the Prayer Academy EXPRESS was set up, many of those who purchased the e-course did not know what to do with it (remember they came to our websites directly from Facebook).

They had never even heard of prayer training and coaching.

Much less the Prayer Academy

A few weeks ago, Raviro ordered one mini-course.

Then she asks:

"I have bought the ebook but i don't know how to use the prayer point. Do I read them as I'm praying or i should know them by heart?"

That question (and many others) led to the setting up of this.

Complete with many prayer eagles and advisors to hold your hand.

Remember ...

So many Christians have been conditioned to seek out others to pray for them --

In fact they were encouraged to leave all the praying to pastors, priests and others more anointed than themselves.

No one bothered to teach them to pray for themselves.

Leave it all to the super-anointed, they urged.

Francis just wrote confirming this.

He says:

"I managed to join the Prayer Academy and I look forward to the 25th when the academy takes off.

Already  as I began to read through the material  you've sent I can see the areas  where I spent a lot of time making zero effort  in my life.

As a Catholic having  someone else's pray for you has been the norm. That's why the spiritually gifted in the church  find it overwhelming to attend to everyone.

I don't know when they will also teach believers to stand on their own but I hope and pray this happens very soon.

Have had attended several Charismatic prayer meetings  I've seen first hand the desperation in people's life's. Am glad to have joined. I struggled finding the  means but the Holy Spirit helped me and hear I am today."


Well, you are here now.

Gain access to Prayer Academy EXPRESS today for only $107

  OR Click below to use ClickBank

  On the next page, before you order please change currency to USD - then you'll see the correct amount: 77 US dollars 

  OR Click below to use PayPal

(Just click on the logo and type in the $ amount):

YES I want to join immediately without delay


Be An Overcomer


Prayer Academy Express

$77 USD