😂 Invite:

How to use native language prayers to kill stubborn problems that defy normal prayers…

  • As with your electronic device, if you could press the “rewind” button in the spirit during prayer you will win every battle that life throws at you.

  • If you could press the “rewind” button through prayer, you will taste victory every time the enemy comes against you.

  • If you could press the “rewind” button through prayer, you will live a life of MORE abundance...

    (Especially if you desire to have more than enough to help others and to support the kingdom of God as this age draws to a close).

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? - Psalm 11:3

"20 Years of Barrenness Wiped Off By Native Language Prayers"

Emmanuel says:

"I am shouting this praise report here because it is true and has finally happened in my life.

I had dreadful challenge of childlessness for 20 years running and it is in this forum that God used the coach and his numerous instructions in prayer to solve this problem.

My wife gave birth to a set of twins, a boy and a girl on the 6th of January, 2017.

I remember the answer came on the program where we were instructed to convert the set of prayer bullets given to us and pray it in our native language.

That turned the whole tide for me. I am so grateful to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the people praise you…. (Psalm 67:5).

... I have not recovered from the contagious joy and the praise report of that program.

In that program I was shown how my children where wrapped in a transparent polythene and I struggled for 20 years without a child ...

till that program came with the native language prayer the powers could not resist."   - Eagle Emmanuel


"To deal with afflictions that defy normal prayers... switch to native language prayers"

There are so many stubborn problems that the enemy has been recycling from generation to generation along bloodlines…

  •  Common sickness that afflicts everyone in the family
  • Collective captivity of marital distress and shame
  • OR chronic poverty that runs in the family
  • Failure at the age of breakthroughs
  • Non-achievement, stagnancy, etc

At the foundation of these type of problems are powers in charge of "renewing" ancient evil covenants and recycling old problems.

In the Bible, these powers are represented spiritually as Pharaohs, Goliaths and Herods.

They are vicious but mostly hidden from the common view.

They want you to SUFFER the trials of the damned…

They want you to crawl on your hands and knees over miles of broken glass just to put food on the table…     

Ultimately, they want to drag you to hellfire, kicking and screaming.

This Has Got to Stop:
Welcome to The Realm of Native Language Prayers

Years ago someone named Lizzy stumbled upon this site.

At the time her case was really a pathetic one.

Like most women she had a strong desire to marry and settle down.

Most of her mates were already married.

Yet no one possessed more charm or grace or loveliness than she.

And as her birthdays crept gradually toward that tragic forty-mark, marriage seemed farther from her life than ever.

But then she landed on the site and began to pray.

Within a few months, someone appeared and proposed marriage. By the following year they were married.

For a while everything went well … until she began to relax.  

Before long she had stopped praying altogether. The worst was behind her, or so she thought.

Unknown to her, a satanic time-bomb was ticking against her in the spirit. Before she could wake up from her spiritual slumber, it was too late.

Game over.

She had stopped praying at the exact time she should have redoubled her effort in order to:

  • completely blow away the evil voice of her foundation
  • silence the cry of the land against her by the blood of Jesus
  • withdraw the staff of office of her stubborn oppressors
  • crush the "strange legs" that had walked into her marital home, unseen and undetected.

I have a question for you

 Have you noticed that… 

  • ·    Problems seem to be multiplying in your life and family?
  • ·    Your enemies appear to be fighting you harder than before?
  • ·    Your dream life continues to be nothing but a battlefield?
  • ·    No clear revelation … no word from the LORD, cloudy vision, confusing dreams?
  • ·    There really is nothing to show for months, even years of prayer and gruelling fasting?
  • ·    You find that the zeal to pray, work or minister has evaporated?
  •       You could NOT completely TAKE BACK all that the enemy stole from you?     

Then you have to come with us as we enter the LAST MILE prayers for this year ... Platinum Edition 2024.


Martha says this will be her second time joining the Platinum prayer riot.

Hear her:

       "I am rejoicing over breakthrough. Three families God led me to pray with for return of the fathers (husbands) have all returned within two weeks. This will be second Platinum for me and oh!! Glory to GOD in the highest."

Melody adds:

       I use to think I was an intercessor not until I found out about Elisha's website then I realized that I was far to it. I can now pray scriptural, targeted prayers. I remember praying for my mum who was very sick and one midnight ...

 I was led by the Holy Spirit to go to her room, to pray for her and anoint her with the anointing oil that elisha instructed us to pray over.

The spirit of death manifested in her, left her and she was healed. She now looks better than the way she looked before she got sick. Even the doctor confessed that there was no hope. Thanks be to GOD."

      To put it plainly...

This realm of prayer offers you the supernatural ability that trumps all genetic, racial, intellectual, and social advantages...

      This prayer riot is meant to break generational bondage, release you into the realm of repeatable miracles ...

       ... and get you to the point that you can demonstrate the love and power of Christ both in your family and community.

      This glorifies God... and edifies the body of Christ.

      Notice that these two eagles did not run about looking for someone to come and deal with these problems for them.

      They did NOT have to.

      Because they have been schooled through these prayer sessions to listen and act on the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord.

      Imagine what happened when Eagle Martha prayed for family #1.

     Suddenly the husband returned and the marriage was restored.

     Then she prayed for family #2. Same thing happened.

     Then she prayed for family #3. Same thing happened.

     And all within 2 weeks.

The Secret of "Repeatable" Miracles, Signs and Wonders

     Please look at these 2 cases above:

    Case #1: Emmanuel's Case

    For 20 years, he and his wife were battling with barrenness. All of that became history when he followed instruction and changed the realm of prayers to ...

    ... native language prayers. 

    This is the only program where we encourage you to pray in your first language at birth (this is a deep mystery which is explained in the Platinum Blueprint).

     It is like pressing the rewind button on your electronic device.

     Last year we had close to 80 translations.

     Thanks to our hardworking and hard-praying eagles from all corners of the globe.

Here's some of the native languages that the prayers were translated into...

1.  Afrikaans (S/Africa)
2.  Akan – Fante (Ghana)
3.  Akan – Twi (Ghana)
4.  Alur   (Uganda/DRC)
5.  Bemba  (Zambia)
6.  Chichewa   (Malawi)
7.  Chi-Tonga  (Zambia)
8.  Creole     (Seychelles)
9.  Dholuo     (Kenya)
10. Ekegusii   (Kenya)
11. Ewe  (Ghana)
12. Fante (Ghana)
13. Hausa (Niger, Nigeria)
14. Hebrew  (Israel)
15. Igbo    (Nigeria)
16. Ikalenga (Botswana)
17. IsiXhosa  (S/Africa)
18. I Taukei    (Fiji Island)
19. Kalenjin-Keiyo  (Kenya)
20. Kikamba  (Kenya)
21. Kikigiriama (Kenya)
22. Kikuyu   (Kenya)
23. Kiluba Katanga  (D R Congo)
24. Kimeru  (Kenya)
25. Kiriwina (PNG)
26. Kiswahili (Tanzania)
27. Luganda (Uganda)
28. Luhya-Kinyore (Kenya)
29. Lulamogi  (Uganda)
30. Lulogooli/Maragoli (Kenya)
31. Luo (Kenya)
32. Lusoga (Uganda)
33. Maragoli (Kenya)
34. Mortlockese (Micronesia)
35. Oshindonga (Namibia)
36. Papiamentu (Curacao)
37. Portugues (Brasil)
38. Runyankore – Rukiga (Uganda)
39. Runyoro (Uganda)
40. Rutooro (Uganda)
41. Samoan (Samoa)
42. Sepedi (South Africa)
43. Sesotho (S/Africa)
44. Setswana (Botswana)
45. Shebolaongwe (Botswana)
46. Shona (Zimbabwe)
47. Silozi (Zambia)
48. Siswati (South Africa)
49. South Sotho (S/Africa)
50. Spanish (Latin America)
51. Swahili (Tanania/Kenya)
52. Tagalog (Philippines)
53. Taita (Kenya)
54. Tonga (Zambia)
55. Tshivenda (S/Africa)
56. Tsonga (South Africa)
57. Xhosa (S/Africa)
58. Xitsonga (South Africa)
59. Yoruba (Nigeria)
60. Zulu (S/Africa)

    Many thanks to all our wonderful translators over the years. 

    We're expecting MORE.

   (Please sign up early if you'll like to help out with the translations - there are special blessings attached).

    Case #2:  Melody's Case

     The doctor confessed that there was no hope.

     But filled with heavenly AUDACITY she went forth as led by the Spirit to chase out the spirit of death... with her prophetic prayer and action.

      If she was able to confront the much-dreaded spirit of death ...

      ...and snatch the prey from its mouth (all under the guidance of the Holy Spirit), do you think that any other wicked spirit (think: poverty, debt, sickness) can withstand her anointed prayers in the future?

     My dear reader, you need to get to a certain level of prayer to do exploits like this... in your life and family.

     Every single miracle you've ever heard can be repeated... over and over again.

     Including the ones you see in the Bible.

     Including the testimonies we share daily on our websites (and through the daily email messages).

     They are all repeatable.

     And that is what the Platinum Edition is all about.


How Native Language Prayers Can Change Your Life Today

You will love this LAST MILE prayer riot especially if you want to ..

discover what makes the difference between victory and defeat, especially in the dream or in the natural realm when you wake up (absent this, dreams turn to nightmares, daily life becomes a battlefield).

How to make the challenges facing you today just melt away... no matter how long they have been there, no matter who put them there, and no matter how well-concealed or disguised they were (you need to operate this one key for everything to fall into into place).

The #1 rule to help you share the Good News plus your testimonies with power to practically eliminate scarcity, heal the sick, preach deliverance to the captives, and create the kind of impact that will put the enemy on notice.

How to 'plug your body into the grid' so you become a no-go territory to powers that used to defile you or steal from you openly and in secret (this will ensure that dream attacks become a thing of the past).

How to see new opportunities popping up where no one thinks is possible (if you are called as an entrepreneur, or a minister).

How to become part of the divine wealth transfer agenda into the kingdom that is already underway - that means no more scarcity of anything necessary for life and godliness (Hint: the LORD is looking for faithful believers to become wealth creators for the end-time sweep of the Gospel).

And much much more.


This is the opportunity for you to be a channel of divine encouragement to others...

... especially now that the faith of many is failing at an alarming rate.

I am not even going to mention the immense personal benefits when you hunger and thirst to operate in this realm.

For one, your enemies will be very reluctant to launch attacks against you.


Because they will pay a heavy price!

We are keeping the registration window open for a while so all our Eagles can join.

But this won't last for long.

Come with us as we change the realm of our prayers.

Gain immediate access into the Forum by signing up using this link here

A wise man has said:

"If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; rather seek to call forth its riches; for with the Creator, there is no poverty."

Join us as we call forth those riches... spiritual and material ... using the native language prayers of the Platinum Forum.

4 Simple Ways to Join

We now provide 4 simple and SECURE options that accept bank card, debit card, and credit card from almost any country...

Option #1 - Stripe 

Sign up using Stripe. This is by far the easiest, depending on which country you card was issued from. This option allows you to automatically log into the Forum after your payment is processed - no waiting period.

"Wow am in. Stripe method has worked for me this time round, my card is always declined so I always struggle to make a bank transfer which is very costly but today it has taken a minute or less. All glory and thanks to God for making this possible. Happy to join the eagles." - Judy M

--> Click here to sign up with Stripe

Option #2 - Clickbank

 If you've used Clickbank in the past, you can use it again. This option allows you to sign up -- but you will have to wait at least 24 hours for your access to the Forum to be set up.

--> Click here to sign up with Clickbank

Option #3 - PayPal

If your country is NOT listed in options 1 and 2 above, then you could try this option. For most countries you should be able to use this without any issues. Fast and simple, but you have to wait at least 24 hours for your access to the Forum to be set up.

--> Click here to sign up with PayPal

(Note: on the next page, type in the full amount: 57 US dollars)

After payment send email to:  elisha.prayercoach@gmail.com with the subject line: PayPal Done - Platinum

Option #4 - Bank Transfers

Please send email to:  elisha.prayercoach@gmail.com with the subject line: Bank Transfer Details Requested

Be An Overcomer,   


PS: Don't wait... others are using these prayers to TAKE BACK all their divine benefits before this year runs out... this is your turn.      


Platinum 2024

57 USD