
12 "Must-Have" Prayer Manuals Top Prayer Eagles Are Using for Maximum Success Now

… Plus, how to access the right bullet at the right time

Gugu reveals ... the Prayer Archive helped her in a moment of crisis.

She says:

"When dad had a stroke,
I immediately searched the prayer archives in my mind"

"Eagles, our God is alive. Jesus gives life to the fullest.

After midnight prayers yesterday my mother bolted into my bedroom at 3:50am saying this thing has started again, dress up we are going to hospital.

My dad is attacked by a stroke, second time, first attempt was six months ago.

I immediately searched the prayer archives in my mind for relevant prayer points.

My first one I will not sorrow this year in Jesus name.

I get to my parents bedroom my dad is biting his tongue, his face twitching heavily, the one side is getting crippled he can’t walk properly.

I started shouting, Jesus please save my dad, he can’t speak. I am desperate. As we get near the car I remember he is attacked by a spirit of paralysis.

Like bullets I started praying “spirit of paralysis die in Jesus name. I just prayed repeatedly.

Suddenly he looks at me straight in the eyes, such a surprised gaze he stops twitching immediately.

He is not out of the woods yet, still we rush him to hospital, secured a bed only two patients in the emergency room. I am grateful beyond words.

The nurses stabilized him, called the doctor on call before 5:50 he is out of hospital on his way home.

He went to his business attended to clients as if nothing has happened. Talking comprehensively like his normal self, walking on his own as if nothing ever happened.

The spirit of life engulfed him, the waters of death simply dried up immediately in the name of Jesus.

I am so grateful beyond words, to see the prayer bullets accurately destabilized death right in front of my eyes.

God is great, God is merciful his lovingkindness is everlasting, it endures forever.

I thank the name of our Lord Jesus and the God who helped me find this way of praying and this ministry. Amen and Amen."


Gain "Access" to the Right Prayer Bullets at the Right Time…


Glory to God.

If there is a person to pray, there is God to answer.

But you need the right prayer at the right time to address specific issues.

Just look at the targeted prayer bullets the Holy Spirit popped into her spirit at that critical moment:

"I will not sorrow this year in Jesus name."

"Spirit of paralysis die in Jesus name"

"Spirit of life engulf him, waters of death dry up immediately in the name of Jesus."

For most people, in a time of crisis like this, the mind goes blank.

Not so with prayer eagles.

I checked Gugu's record.

She signed up for the Prayer Academy in 2018.

She is still here.



Fighting... and winning.

And those prayer bullets?

You find them (and hundreds MORE) in the New Prayer Bullets Archive.


Introducing: The New Prayer Archive

12 "Must-Have" Prayer Manuals Top Prayer Eagles Are Using for Maximum Success Now


The New Prayer Archive

Now, all 12 e-courses are accessible right now.

It is a new, interactive community with testimony-releasing prayer bullets...

designed to address the 3 reasons why people give up on prayers...

… running out of things to say, not knowing what to pray, getting discouraged after a while ..

Here’s what you’ll get:


-- Financial Deliverance Handbook (NEW)

-- Prayers for debt cancellation

-- 101 Prayers to Get Out of Debt

-- 40 Prayers to Attract a Car (Or Anything Else)


-- Overnight Deliverance from Spirit Spouses (Speed Deliverance)

-- 101 prayers to strengthen your marriage

-- Prayers to lose weight and look younger?

-- Praying Against The 9 mistakes (almost) all Christian Singles make


-- Prayers to Unlock the Divine Message Hidden in Your Dreams

-- How To Receive Divine Solutions To Everyday Problems In Your Dreams


-- The 3 Best Days to Pray (Special Edition)

-- How long to pray (for testimonies to appear)



  • Financial Deliverance Handbook (featuring 70 KILL SHOT PRAYERS)

* Plus MORE to come.

A total value of $147 -- Yours today for only $59

(Price changes as more e-courses are added - get in today for just $59)

Frequently Asked Questions

the NEW Prayer Archive right for you?

Listen, before you place your order today, there are a few things you need to know.

The Prayer Bullet Archive allows you to go at your own pace

First. Every prayer bullet in the archive works in real-world situations. Thousands who have used portions of it in the past say so. Plus, you’ll quickly realize you don’t need much willpower when you’re simply logging in and joining others in your support group for prayers.

The Prayer Bullet Archive takes out all the guesswork

Unlike other prayer programs out there, the prayer bullets will work when you pray them with your mouth. You don’t need super-anointed people to do that for you.

There’s nothing to figure out. All you do is follow along and watch in awe as the Lord begins to deal with your case faster than you ever imagined possible.

With this Prayer Archive, you’ll never be alone

To ensure your success, I’ve set up a live support team who will answer any questions you might have along the way.

Plus you’ll also get access to a community packed with the most passionate and willing-to-help prayer eagles, advisors, teachers, and guides you’ll ever meet.

People around the world who are on this journey along with you. And willing to share their friendly advice and encouragement.

Don’t let this one pass you by…

ACT now.

Your testimonies are waiting for you.

Yes, let's do this...

(Price changes as more e-courses are added - get in today for just $59)

Be An Overcomer


P.S.: Inside the New Prayer Archive there is a section entitled:


"Ask the Advisor"


Tonight, after my midnight prayers, I will personally log in there to answer your questions and give guidance (as led by the Holy Spirit).


I'm doing this because many members have been asking for specific prayers to address specific issues in their lives.


Access here >>


See you on the inside.


Please go to the "Ask the Advisor" page.



12 "Must-Have" Prayer Manuals Top Prayer Eagles Are Using for Maximum Success Now

$59.00 USD