40 prayers for new car

Today someone wrote:

"I was recently hired for a good job but I need a car to be able to be there on time and perform my duties. There is no direct public transport. My car has been down due an expensive spare part. I have only two weeks to the start date. Please pray for a miracle..."

This has been going on for 15 years.

It all started in 2005.

I "received" a divine mandate to set up a website to teach believers to pray… and receive answers quickly.

The blueprint was given to me by the Lord in a night vision many years earlier.

Now was the time to go public with it.

That’s how our website was born.

Not long after, I noticed that so many people kept asking for prayers for cars, houses, jobs, good health, you name it.

At first, I ignored them all.

Then one night it all came to me.

I had been embedding prayers to address many of those things in the prayer bulletins posted weekly to the site.

It occurred to me that the prayers were working... and working very fast.

And people were telling their friends about it.

Then someone asked me:

Why do you focus on praying for a car, and not something else?

First, a car is something that working adults need from time to time.

In many places, you may not be able to get a job without a car.

Especially where there is no functional public transportation.

No car, no job.

Meaning: no money to take care of the family.


Unlike subjective goals like wealth or happiness, a new car is tangible - it is easy to tell if your prayer has been answered or not.

All you need to do is just look in your driveway.

I was convinced then.

I am convinced now.

These prayers work.

I wanted people like you to try them out on a goal that leaves no room for doubt.

First, let’s see the story that started it all.

15-Year-Old Testimony Sets the Ball Rolling

"About two months ago I wrote to you and told you that I needed a new car and a new job. I understand that you are very busy but my sister Abigail sent me the 40 prayer points to attract anything in your life and told me to pray the 40 prayer points.

"2 months ago I started praying the 40 prayer points to attract a new BMW320i. I would like to thank you for these miraculous ways of praying and also to share my testimonies with you.

"Only two months ago I started your prayer points and within the 3rd month I received my car.

"3 weeks of praying for my Dream Job and today I received my letter of appointment I now have a new BMW 320i and my Dream Job of R25,000.00 per month + 1% commission off all the sales people and consultants monthly package.

"Praise be to God he is so good. I thank you for showing me how to pray to God for success, and I thank God the Almighty for answering my prayers.

"You are an answer to my prayers. I have been praying to God to give me a spiritual mentor. I talked to a lot of people including pastors who I thought would help. One even thought I was demonic.

"God sent “YOU” Elisha - my mentor through my sister. Praise be to God. Thank you so much your prayer point really works. I wish I had found you sooner."
- Milly B, South Africa (2005)


Once this praise report was posted to our website, the story went viral.

The prayer became the most requested prayer sequence on our website.

At one point, it became so notorious that many modern-day Pharisees wrote to me in consternation, demanding that I stop teaching such things.

But those who were receiving answers to these prayers couldn’t have been happier.

I’ve been hearing from them for 15 years non-stop.

Here’s a very small sample of what they’ve been saying through the years:


“I would like to share our testimony to what God has done for my family. We have been using 40 prayers to attract a car and hallelujah hallelujah. God has given us a brand new car in March.

I am most sure that this year I will be joining the prayer academy to learn from God how to pray. I went through the end of the year prayerfully together with my wife Cecilia. Elisha thank you that we came upon your website. God is wonderful always we have more testimonies coming in.”
- Allan MW (2018)

How To Attract A Car (Or Anything Else)

  • Your need might not be a car.
  • Maybe you need a new (or better) job.
  • Or a home for your family.

All the prayers that Milly and Allan prayed are now available to you in a brand-new prayer manual which you can access immediately here>

For a bundle with one surprising bonus (at a 20 percent discount) please go here >>


The ARCHIVE (11 Prayer Manuals for Daily Testimonies)

$59 USD