>> Prayer bullet #5:
All my blessings imprisoned in the grave come forth and locate me now in the name of Jesus
 There has never been a better time for you to …
… become your own personal prophet.
September marks the start of a unique season…
… in the realm of the spirit.
It is a season to birth new things.
At the same time...
We’re entering into a season where very stubborn and aggressive enemies are out for blood.
There will be many casualties…
… but if you will do just one simple thing, your victory is assured.
Before I show you this one thing...
Take a look at this:
Can you believe this?
"Can you believe this is the same me who used to run after every prophet in town?
Listen to this. a minister of the gospel was on his dying bed. He was dying of cancer.
All the anointed healers visited his ministry prayed over him.Â
Including the most known healer of our time but satan refused to let go.
By December he had six different operations and was losing strength.
In February this year, all members of his church and family gathered together for the worst as he was losing strength rapidly and gradually passing there was no hope left.
This was during the famous Sapphire program I was fully charged up and ready to fire satan back to his kingdom.
First I repented on his behalf: Dear Lord if there is any sin that is stopping this healing I bring under the blood and prayed the book of Daniel 9:4-15.
Then I prayed that every limitation programmed in his blood, gene or DNA hindering his healing be broken be destroyed forever.
I quoted Jeremiah 30:17 – I prayed:
'Oh Great Physician by all the power for which you are known to be called arise and declare healing to your servant.'
Two days later he was discharged from hospital forever back home no trace of cancer even now as am writing to you.
In church when people have a serious problem, they now come to me because they believe they will get a solution from God.
My pastor’s marriage was saved during Sapphire prayers last year – it was a problem that had gone on for a long time.
I received a divine instruction, followed up by praying and fasting for 21 days using the Prayer Cookbook.
Problem closed.
Praise the LORD."
- Name withheld on request
Glory to God.
Yes, I do not mind repeating myself.
(Even at the risk of sounding like a broken record).
There has never been a better time for you to …
… become your own personal prophet.
The reason is simple.
All over social media today…
You find a ton of people claiming to pray for you… and “see visions” for you.
More often than not, following them leads to disappointment and heartbreak.
The good news is –
If you’re a truly born-again Christian, you do have direct access into the presence of God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Just like every other saint from the beginning of time.
(Because God does not play favorites).
This very night, you can begin to pray yourself into the same miraculous realm of the prophets if you so desire.
With your own mouth, you can declare powerful prophetic words and watch them come to pass in your life and family.
All through this month.
For those who “know” their God, every setback can be turned into a stepping stone to success and victory.
From trials to testimonies.
What is that simple thing?
I call it the simple thing with 3 legs.
When you see a prayer bullet in my emails this month, take note of it.
At the midnight hour (i.e. between 12 midnight and 3:00 AM), just rise up and take that prayer with HOLY ANGER (Leg #1).
Then make a little time to read your Bible every day, no matter how busy you find yourself (Leg #2).
Finally, make sure to run away from sin, and live with the love of Christ in your heart (Leg #3).
That’s all.
It’s NOT complicated.
The scripture to back this up is in 1 Thess. 5:16-22:
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies.
Test all things; hold fast what is good.
Abstain from every form of evil.
Even if you are not yet able to join our prayer forum, what I’ve just explained here will help bring answers to your prayers…
Provided you follow through.
Here's an example from someone who is doing just that.
Pride and arrogance gone
"I haven’t joined the Prayer Academy yet, but through accessing and reading your free letters my life has greatly been transformed.
For some weeks now am able to wake up and pray at midnight and three o’clock. And my heart becomes lighter each day that passes by.
The way I look at life is completely different from how it was before. These days my heart totally hates sin and when I close my eyes to pray, words just flow.
I praise God, that has taken away my pride and arrogance. I believe that He who started this good work in me, will finish it. I give the glory back to Him."
-Â Livingstone, Uganda.
That's it.
So simple anyone can do it.
You do not need to wonder what prayers to pray.
Start with the 7 at the bottom of this page.
Now, if and when you are able to join the forum, things become really interesting.
All of a sudden...
A door to a new community opens to you.
With just a few clicks, you find yourself in a "virtual" place where prayer eagles gather.
... a place where our eagle advisors and I are on hand to support you, and answer any questions you might have along the way.
Once inside, you have access to a community packed with the most passionate and willing-to-help prayer warriors, teachers, and guides you’ll ever meet.
These are believers from around the world who are on this hero's journey along with you.
And willing to share their friendly advice, support and encouragement.
Before long, your faith in biblical prayers will be ignited...
... as you discover the long-lost keys to RAPID testimonies, miracles and breakthroughs (for proof, see our wall of testimonies here)
Plus, how to pray and receive answers from the LORD (with us as a support group cheering you on).
For this new month, here’s the KEY …
So what’s the key to breakthroughs this month?
Do not hide sin in your heart and expect your prayers to be powerful.
Let me repeat what I’ve been saying here month after month.
Friend, sin is a HUGE problem.
Anyone who continues to live in sin (after coming in contact with the kind of message here) has no one but themselves to blame.
Because, knowingly or unknowingly, they are the ones preventing the move of God in their lives.
Not witches.
Not principalities, powers, or rulers of darkness.
The Bible is clear about this.
Isa 59:1-2 says:
Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save,
or his ear dull, that it cannot hear;
but your iniquities have made a separation
between you and your God,
and your sins have hidden his face from you
so that he does not hear.
As you read this you can go on your knees and repent before the LORD right now…
… forsaking your sins and asking for His help to live in obedience to His words.
After that, when you take the prayers you are about to see shortly…
Your testimonies will be unstoppable.
The mercy of the LORD is still available and His grace is sufficient for us all, in spite of the frantic efforts of the devil to prove otherwise.
Congratulations to the Eagles in the Prayer Academy, Forum Z and the Diamond Forum.
We’re doubling down on super aggressive prayers this month.
For you reading this, please REMEMBER:
If you want these prayers to work as expected, you must first surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nothing else will do.
These 7 prayers will set your enemies against each other, wreak devastating havoc in their camp, and FORCE a sudden release of your divine blessings starting immediately.
Onward to ...
 7 Furious Prayers for September 2024
Scripture Ingredient:
Hear me, O (put your name here); Believe in the LORD your God, so shall you be established; believe his prophets, so shall you prosper. – 2 Chronicles 20:20b
1. O LORD, let the impossible become possible for me this month in the name of Jesus.
2. My blood, reject the arrows of death; owners of evil load in my life carry your load and die in the name of Jesus.
3. Powers renewing affliction in my life, dig your own graves, fall into them and be buried in the name of Jesus.
4. Every strange hand or leg operating in my finances, receive instant paralysis, die by fire now in the name of Jesus.
5. All my blessings imprisoned in the grave come forth and locate me now in the name of Jesus.
6. O LORD, single me out for notable miracles this month in Jesus name.
7. Heavenly fire ignite my prayer life in the name of Jesus.
Please take these prayers with holy madness.
Pray with the spirit of enough is enough…
… looking unto Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith.
Be An Overcomer
P.S: This month's prayer forum is open ...