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"The Prayer that Changes Everything"

Gina prayed: 'Every dark river of marriage distress flowing to me from my father's, mother's or my in-laws' place dry up now in Jesus' name'... read on to see what happened next>

From: elisha                          

Calvary greetings.

Welcome to new series of prayers for marriages and relationships.

This is the foundational module (1 of 4).

Please close your eyes and take these 3 prayers with fire in your voice.

  1. I receive fresh fire from above in the name of Jesus.
  1. Special announcement, “I command all satanic agents assigned against my marriage to perish now in the name of Jesus.
  1. O LORD, send your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and destroy every evil plantation there in the name of Jesus.

Now we are ready.

Since we opened our virtual doors 18 years ago…

… I have been fascinated by the awe-inspiring cases of the move of Holy Spirit to restore the marriages of our eagle members.

In many cases, these marriages had fallen apart for decades, only to be miraculously restored as they joined one prayer riot after another.

Many of them have confessed that they were not specifically praying for their marriages to be restored.

In fact, they had given up!


But little did they know ...


...that the LORD never gives up on the marriages of His people.

Here’s a few examples to demonstrate what I mean.


Pray Against the Dark River of Marital Distress: Share Your Testimonies Sooner than Later


 For this first case please pay attention to the prayer she prayed.

And the result.

“27 Years of Marital Problems Disappear”

 “Thank you for allowing God to use you in such a mighty way. I was introduced to your website by my cousin after repeated complains about my marriage.

Your prayer points, scriptures and teachings have brought light into my life. Now I am enjoying my marriage. I have been married for 27 years but it was so difficult to have a smooth conversation with my husband.

He had a high temper and would control the conversation in a violent way. Nothing fruitful would result. When I joined the Prayer Academy you advised me to confess the sins of anger for my husband. Now God has changed him to a lovely humble husband.

This prayer point was such a powerful missile:

'Every dark river of marriage distress flowing to me from my father's, mother's or my in-laws' place dry up now in Jesus' name'.

He never used to like my parents. But God does the impossible - we have been to see my mum and the love he has given her- he has never shown her that kind of love before! I cannot stop thanking God."

- Eagle Gina, U.K.


Next, let’s look at a classic case of rejection from the very start. The man walked away and abandoned here for 27 years!

See what happened when she learned to pray after coming in contact with these prayers.


Finally Married After 27 Years
of Being Rejected and Abandoned

“I got married to a man of God also using prayer materials for singles. The same man of God paid lobola for me and went to settle in marriage with another woman for 27 years.

From the beginning they were not at all happy up till the time they separated. We are now husband and wife as of the 10th January. I need to thank the Lord for sending us someone like Elisha Goodman.” - Mashigo, South Africa     


Look at this next one.

She had given up after 12 years of marital turbulence.

"I Came On This Course
    Praying For A Divorce But ..."

 “The goodness of God inside of me is just make me feel I really can enjoy my life at last. Past events are behind me and I am looking towards the future with God has the chief cornerstone in my life.

Elisha, my husband of 12 yrs was so angry with me and God. I would never believe it but God really change people. So much peace in him we are even thinking of having another baby.

I came on this course praying to God for a divorce. Yes! I have learned you cannot pray against the commandments of God. God changed me. It started with a text from your prayer point.

Your prayer points delivers the manifestation of God presence in my life.  So many times I wanted to give up and stop praying. But the holy spirit took over and the strength just comes from no where but the spirit of God.

Elisha, I have waited for 12 years to hear my husband say he would not mind another child. I was so fearful of him, all I was praying for , was for a divorce ... . You have given the building blocks.  I have learned to apply the prayer of power of God words, through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit Thank you for your course. God bless you.” - Jenny T, U.K.


Next up…

She was a divorcee when she started the prayers.

But look what happened when her prayers hit the target. 

Divorcee Remarries the Same Husband
… After Foundational Prayers

“Never underestimate the prayers. I was a divorcee when I registered for PA. My husband had run away with a lady half my age. As soon as I finished the foundational prayers, he came back to visit.

When I was doing Lesson 3, he had already moved back into the house. In February, we got remarried......praise God. My life is now overflowing with joy. - Eagle Myra

“It's Been So Blissful In My Marriage...”

“I am a born again Christian but due to some persecutions I had from my family when I was about 15, my faith waxed cold and all attempts to turn on that fire again has died. The Holy Spirit, my best companion led me to your site, I can't even explain how it happened.

And since then, it's unbelievable.  What made me finally believe was the fact that everything was so scriptural and some of those prayer points look like the ones I used to fire and get things straight when I was 15. So I said 'thank you Holy Spirit, I got it".

Since then, it's been so blissful in my marriage; I don't think people still believe in that kind of blissful marriage. I have some unbelievable opportunities this year, a lot of miracles are happening already..."

- Olivia, Canada

“Marital Breakthrough
... Plus 2 Job Offers”

“I have been using your prayer bullets while praying at midnight for a new job and imagine right now I have two job offers. It is unbelievable how those bullets work.

I have also noticed a big change in my marriage as we have been closer with my husband than ever before in our 12 years of marriage. I give God all the glory and pray for you to reach many more souls who are tormented by satan and his agents. Hallelujah."

 - Esther, Kenya 

“Long-Time Marital Problems Dissolved”

“I want to thank God for His goodness. I am amazed at the quick response to prayers particularly after discovering this website early in September. This weekend alone 2 souls came to Christ, one from my office and the other a husband of my friend.

The couple has been going through marital problems for a very long time but I continued encouraging my friend to have faith and pray for him without ceasing. The man who has been working and virtually living in the bar has now stopped drinking and the job altogether. The marriage is now restored, praise the Lord!" - Judith, Kenya


All glory to the Lord Jesus.

This is the Spirit of the LORD working to restore the marriages of God’s people.

Notice what Eagle Myra says:

As soon as I finished the foundational prayers, he came back to visit. When I was doing Lesson 3, he had already moved back into the house.

There is an unwritten law in the realm of the spirit.

It can be expressed like this:

What you dwell on, pray for, and take action about begins to move toward you magnetically with the same speed and intensity as your desire.

 But there is a catch.

Things can come to a screeching halt for two uncommon reasons.

These are explained in the course of this Module One prayers.

Strictly for those praying for their godly spouse, we have a Deliverance Template that we follow.

Specifically included are prayers to …

  • repair bad marital foundation.
  • break hidden anti-marriage curses
  • destroy inherited satanic priesthood
  • eliminate ungodly covenants and cancel their consequences.
  • break off anti-marriage curses, spells, jinxes, and bewitchment.
  • destroy the grip of spiritual strongmen assigned to destroy godly marriages and families.
  • release you from collective family patterns, sins, and evil marks of rejection.
  • separate you from witchcraft activities designed to swallow marriages … in your family or environment that you might not even be aware of!
  • Release you (and your spouse) from the cage of evil spiritual marriages
  • Wipe away the handwriting of debt and poverty from your life.
  • Loose you from the grip of anti-marriage covenants.
  • Draw your spouse closer to you magnetically as you pray.
  • Charge up your life with the divine fire of God that attracts blessings, favor, and goodness to your marriage … while repelling evil observers, satanic monitors, and other messengers of darkness.


Then there is a Bonus
– Item #6 (Overflow

This next one goes beyond prayer.

Of course, the prayers will still be targeted to …

  •  Send confusion to the camp of the enemies (of your marriage)
  •  Know the secrets (spiritual secrets about your marital foundation)
  •  Loose the grip of anger (so you do not foolishly scatter your marriage in a fit of rage)
  •  Receive the baptism of fresh fire … for daily spiritual exploits
  •  Carry out regular environmental spiritual sanitation (you learn how to safeguard the future of your marriage by making prophetic decrees).
  •  Pray against satanic reinforcement (Note: the enemy of your marriage will not be happy that you have discovered these prayers … and will try to stage a comeback!)
  •  Pray against all forms of future counter-attack.

These and more are the focus
of the Marriage Restoration Forum

Join us in the Forum for the rest of Module 1 prayers (Access Required).

If you're signed up already, simply log in and click on the Prayer Modules tab.

Any questions? Just type them into the Conversation Box inside the Forum.

Our Prayer Advisors are on standby to help you 24 hours a day.

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==> Click here for marriage restoration prayers today

Be an Overcomer


P.S. Still single but looking for prayers to meet your godly spouse (and wed) sooner than later?. Click Here >