#1 Prayer to Get Out of Debt
LG says:
"It was during this program especially the "debt free" session that my bank overdraft was settled miraculously and today I am debt free in Jesus name."
William says:
"My wife was owed outstanding of her pension over £22,000 yesterday she noticed that it has been paid. She has been chasing this payment for over a year. Because of illness, we started the prayer program late on 11 May. On the day we started the prayer the payment was processed."
Dear Friend,
It is time to pray your way out of debt.
How, you ask.
We do it through practice.
Look at this prayer:
"I refuse to pay my tithes to Pharaoh; owners of evil load of debt, carry your load and die in the name of Jesus."
This is WARFARE prayer to get you out of debt quickly (more in a moment).
But first...
An example is worth more than a thousand theories.
"How I Got Out of Debt During The Global Lockdown"
"Glory be to God Almighty. I have a testimony to share before the closing of this Forum. I was really waiting for the day I would share my testimony also coz I used to read other’s and would ask God when my turn would come. Sometime in September 2018 I did prayers to get out our debt.
"We had so much debt and things we not going well in our business to the extent of not being able to pay our rentals both home and office rentals. At the end of the program we were asked to write out a cheque of the amount you want God to give you and pray over that cheque and thank God as if you have already received the money.
"So I added all our debts and also told God that I was sick and tired of renting and that I wanted my own house, so I wrote out a cheque of $2,190,000.00. I prayed over the cheque as per instructions and thanked God for providing the money and the put the cheque in my bible as a page marker.
"And as time went on I forgot about it but used to see the cheque in my bible. A few months ago God did it. We received a cheque of $2,900,000.00.
"For work which we had not even started doing. And we managed to pay our debts and also to buy a beautiful house of our own. I thank God for faithfulness. I was left with no words to thank Him enough. He is a faithful God we serve." - Eagle M, May 2020
>>Click here for your debt-free prayer manual today
Back to the prayer:
"I refuse to pay my tithes to Pharaoh; owners of evil load of debt, carry your load and die in the name of Jesus."
That's what I gave to one new visitor to our websites last year.
Her case was so bad ... she was in so much debt...
She claimed that if you look up the word "debtor" in the dictionary you're most likely to find her name there!
The instruction was for her to pray ONLY that one prayer for an hour each night.
There was something else she had to do.
(As explained in the Debt-Freedom Manual on the next page).
Days later, she woke up to the sound of her phone ringing.
It was the creditor calling.
This time to announce her debt had been cancelled.
100 percent. Just like that.
Please note that this does NOT mean yours will be instant like hers (though I pray you have a testimony to share soon).
However, it does mean that you are more likely to receive divine solution to this debt problem sooner than later if you ...
(a) start praying without delay
(b) learn to exercise financial discipline
(c) and keep your trust in the LORD
LG confirms this:
"I remember vividly that It was during this program especially on "debt freedom" that my bank overdraft was settled miraculously and today I am debt free in Jesus name. All praise and honor to God the Father who is so merciful to us."
For the Bible says:
Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. -- Isaiah 58:9